The 3D Adventures of Sailor Moon
A totally bogus journey to a radically tubular time!

upon a time, when Chibiusa was only "Rini" and Kousagi hadn't even
been born yet, an alternate dimension played home to a very much alive Queen
The year was 1997. Sailor Moon was just about to air on Cartoon Network,
after two years on various syndicated networks across North America. In
celebration of her new success, licensing for use of the series' famous stars
was given over briefly to a company known as 3VR. The result was a guilty
pleasure known as "The 3D Adventures of Sailor Moon".
Aimed at an audience aged 6 years and older, the game features many tie-ins
to the Americanized version. The game was on a white CD-ROM with Sailor Moon
imitating her famous "And that means you!" pose, as a Wonderful
World of DiC logo covers her elbow.

The game is compatible with Windows 95/98 and requires a Pentium 90 or above
processor, double-speed CD-ROM drive and no less than 16 MB of RAM.
On my Windows 7 PC, I set my display to 16 colors via the control panel, then
on my CD-ROM, I click the right mouse button over the file marked
"opgame.exe" and click on properties. From there, I set it to
"Run as Administrator" set display to 640, click apply and then
double click to play the game. On Windows XP I only had to set the colors to
16, but with each new version of Windows it's a new hoop to jump through. The
game auto displays a blue "Do You Want to Play Sailor Moon" box on
Windows 95 and 98/98 Plus! And on NT, 2000 and 98 SE.

As of 11/20/2017 I haven't figured out how to play on Windows 10.
we continue, I just want to point out that this game came out when DiC had
the rights to Sailor Moon. As such, a ton of names were changed for no reason
other than they didn't think anime fans could handle Japanese names. Did you
hear that? Yeah. That's the Dragonball Z fans laughing at us, since at the
time, DBZ came on at the same time as Sailor Moon, and only a handful of
their names were changed. Now the new Viz Media DVDs fix all of this and
restored the original Japanese names, but for those needing a refresher
course, here are the names used in this game:

Usagi Tsukino
Ami Mizuno
Rei Hino
Makoto "Mako" Kino
Minako "Mina" Aino
Mamoru Chiba
Chibiusa/Chibi-Usa Tsukino
Queen Metallia and the Dark Kingdom
Sailor Senshi/Guardians/Soldiers
Moon Stick
Legendary Silver Crystal
Moon Prism Power Make Up
Mercury/Mars/Jupiter/Venus Power Make Up
Shabon Spray/Bubble Spray
Fire Soul
Akuryo Taisan
Supreme Thunder
Crescent Beam
Moon Tiara Action
Moon Healing Escalation
Henshin/Transformation Pens
Silver Millennium
Sailor Chibi Moon

Serena (Tsukino only used on merchandise.)
Amy Anderson
Raye Hino
Darien (Shields used as a last name on merch.)
Rini (Tsukino on merch only.)
Negaverse and Negaforce
Sailor Scouts (Soldiers used in last 18 episodes)
Crescent Moon Wand
Imperium/Imperial Silver Crystal
Moon Prism Power
Mercury/Mars/Jupiter/Venus Power
Mercury Bubbles Blast
Mars Fire Ignite
Mars Fireballs Charge
Jupiter Thunder Crash
Venus Crescent Beam Smash
Luna Ball/Luna Sphere
Moon Tiara Magic
Moon Healing Activation
Transformational Items
Moon Kingdom
Sailor Rini (on merchandise) Sailor Mini Moon
game came out before DiC obtained the rights to the final 18 episodes of
Sailor Moon R and way before they got the rights to edit the three movies.
Outside of the movies, DiC never got the rights to edit and distribute Sailor
Moon S, SuperS or Sailor StarS, though rumors suggest they did have a test
edit for the first 13 episodes of Sailor Moon S. Cloverway debuted their edit
of S and SuperS in 1999. DiC routinely abused their merchandise rights to
Sailor Moon, often using images from S, SuperS and Sailor StarS on calendars,
trading cards and many other forms of merchandise, though they did not have
the right to do so from Toei Animation. As such, get ready for some
unauthorized pictures they let slip right into this game!
Let's borrow Chibiusa's – oh wait, this was back when DiC had the rights,
ahem - Rini's Time Key, and travel back to this period in time. I'll not only
give you a review of the game, I'll also show you snapshots, videos, and I'll
tell you how to beat the game in under 10 minutes!
Okay Kousagi-chan! Let's GO!

In case you have never seen this game before, here are some
shots to look for, in case you want to try looking for it online:
Promotional Ad
The actual CD-ROM case
The CD-ROM itself
Sailor Moon back story/instructions
Troubleshooting page
Back Cover on the CD-ROM case
Mouse Guide
Amazon usually has a few copies here and there. Anyway if you
have an older PC, you will the be greeted by a little box:

Click yes.
Remember, use my tips from the first box if you have Windows 7.
The game begins with the 3VR logo, and a rainbow, introducing Sailor Moon to
you. This is followed by a music video, hosted by Sailor Jupiter and Sailor
Music Video Screenshot
The video features the five Inner Guardians – oh sorry, "Scouts" in
3D graphics, dancing to the Sailor Moon theme song.
The Sailor Scouts lights flying
from one planet
Sailors Moon, Mars and Venus'
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor
Mercury's lights
The Sailor Scouts lights landing
on the Play Area's planet
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury
Sailor Jupiter and Sailor
Venus... sniffing themselves?
Sailor Moon from behind
Sailor Venus and Sailor Moon
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury and
Sailor Mars do the hustle!
Sailor Venus twirling
Sailor Mercury twirling
Sailor Mars twirling
Sailor Jupiter twirling
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury
dance while Sailor Venus grabs Sailor Jupiter's hand!
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury
pose while dancing
Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury
reach for.... um... something???? O_O
Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars do
an impossible twirl
Tuxedo Mask lurking behind the
bushes, watching the Scouts???
Tuxedo Mask sniffing a Rose
During the video, we are greeted by a ghostly image of Queen Beryl, a shadowy
Tuxedo Mask, and a fat Luna dancing with Artemis, who is wearing makeup.
If you know the tune then why not sing along! Yeah!
Just for you, I ripped out two different Dream Mirrors. The pink Dream Mirror
has the DiC/Cloverway lyrics North American fans remember. The Golden Dream
Mirror has the original Japanese lyrics. I'll just return these to Sailor
Moon and Sailor Mini Moon when you're done, okay? No worries!

The DiC version was written by Andy Heyward, former head of DiC.
The original was written by Naoko Takeuchi, creator of Sailormoon.
In Japanese episode 46, a set of extended lyrics was added, as Princess
Serenity is thinking of Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako, just before their
spirits come to help her. Here are the extra lyrics:

Admit it. You were
just singing this.
After the video, a voiceover says
"Oh No. Queen
Beryl has captured the Sailor Scouts transformational items!"
You are then
transported to the play area:

Clicking on the blue
moon book transports you to the pre-story. This is where you are told all
about your mission.....
In a not too far
away dimension, evil Queen Beryl Lavishes over her newly stolen
possessions, for now she has the transformational pens and the moon wand
belonging to Sailor Moon and her squad of teenage fighters, known as the
Sailor Scouts. The once protectors of the universe are now unable to ward
off the evil powers of the Negaverse, what is the world to do? Evil Queen
Beryl had secretly hidden these transformational items in different
dimensional Sailor rooms, and it is your duty as a Sailor Scout in training
to help the Sailors thwart off Queen Beryl's evil plans to drain the Earth
of it's precious life-forces. Fight for all that is right and triumph over
all evils, and that means you!
Good Luck!
You are a Sailor Scout in training. So you technically can
imagine you are Rini, maybe an Amazoness Quartet, or your own made up Scout.
Neat, right? In any case, you exist in an alternate universe in which Queen
Beryl never died, Malachite is still alive and Rini is already here.
At any time throughout the game, if you need help, the right-bottom of the
screen features Luna, Artemis or Luna-P. Clicking on them produces a
voiceover guide, informing you of your instructions.
NONE of the voice cast appears in this game. Instead we have one light voiced
woman, whose job it is to act as all of the Sailor Scouts, plus Luna, Rini
and Queen Beryl, and one dude who voices Darien and Artemis.
To beat the game, you have to play through the areas, to get the wands back. The
game calls them "transformational items" but one of the five items
is the Crescent Wand, which Sailor Moon does not transform with.
To beat the game, follow what I did below. First, double-click on the puzzle

Puzzle Room
You'll note that with each trip to one of the rooms, a loading screen
featuring a twirling Sailor Moon will greet you. On either side of the screen
will be a Sailormoon character. Here is the Puzzle Room's Loading Screen. Each time you play
the game, the puzzles will vary. There are several puzzles in three different
The Puzzles.
To find Sailor Mercury's pen, just solve three of the easy ones.
Solving the puzzles is pretty easy, just click and drag the boxes. It can be
a little challenging at times, since Sailor Moon is always right behind you.
Easy Mode Solving
Medium Mode Solving
Hard Mode Solving
Some of the puzzles feature pictures that were either Japanese promotion
only, or from moments in the anime that were cut out! My favorite is a
picture of a Blue Eyed Rini!
Here are pics from ALL of the puzzles that you could get. Remember, each time
you put the CD-ROM in your disk drive, you could get one of two different
sets of puzzles at random. You will get 6 puzzles for each difficulty, and
the variety changes each time.
* The Sailor Scouts through time pic was in the introduction of
Black/Wicked Lady. An episode that did NOT air in North America until a year
after this game's debut!!
Taken from one of the the original season one openers!
Taken from one of the original season two openers!
Taken from the Sailormoon R return from commercial spot!
Once you are through with that, we move on to the Galactic Moon Library.

Galactic Moon Library
Loading Screen
Upon entry, you'll be in a cheesy 1990's like lab. Behind you is the exit, to one side is a spinning star that leads you to
Lita's fact sheet. The other side has a spinning heart.
Serena's Side
Darien's Side
But the main screen features all five Inner Senshi, Rini and Darien flashing
quickly. I managed to capture Rini's screen. BE WARNED the following might
not be suitable for all audiences.
Rini's Screen
I also got shots for each of the others too.
Sailor Moon, Darien, Amy, Raye, Lita
What? No Mina??? Moving on...
A double click of the mouse will lead you to Sailor Moon's fact sheet. Below
are screen shots for each of the DiC fact sheets.
Be aware that these sheets are NOT accurate.
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Tuxedo Mask
They really put an emphasis on reading, didn't they? But then again, this was
the era of the semi-educational "Sailor Says" segments. Ah DiC.
Nobody misses you.
To go along with this, I typed out verbatim what the voiceover tells you
about each Senshi.
No, really. This is REALLY what's said.
Tuxedo Mask, Rini, Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury,
Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter,
Sailor Venus
To get Sailor Jupiter's pen back, go through Tuxedo Mask's profile, and then
hit the arrow button facing left two times, then click the arrow facing right
two times.
Before you leave, you might want to check out each profile's galleries!

Check out some awesome shots I got!
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask, aww
how sweet!
A nice close-up of Tuxedo Mask
An AWESOME shot of Sailor Moon
posing, after her Moon Crystal Power transformation
A cool "I'm Sailor
Moon" pose
Darien... future daddy alright!
There are several shots hidden with the profiles that were edited out of the
DiC series!
Here's one cut from the first half of season one:

Here are a few that were taken out of the first original beginnings from
Sailormoon and Sailormoon R:
Sailor Moon with Luna
Sailor Mercury with a green
Sailor Mercury twirling
Sailor Mars close-up
Raye with rose petals
Sailor Mars posing
Sailor Jupiter Close-up
Sailor Jupiter almost floating
Lita bowing during a spin
Sailor Venus winking
Sailor Venus ready for a fight
Rini's section features only two pics from Sailormoon R, and a TON of shots
from the Sailormoon R movie~ about 3 years BEFORE it was dubbed! However, her
gallery is also shared by Luna and Artemis. LAME! Why not give each one their
OWN spot, instead of this?
Anyway, here are the shots in Rini's gallery:
Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3
Movie 4
Movie 5
Cheap redrawn Artemis
Cheap redrawn Luna
Here are even more shots, check out the "Sparkle Cam" on these
You probably already
noticed that some of the pics are cheaply redrawn versions of already well
known episodes and events. Look for this as we move along through the rest of
the game. Some of these same re-drawn images even appear later on the covers
of some of the DVDs! But then there are some where the drawing style is
highly flawed.

Next, it's time for some super Sailor "Make UP!!" fun, as we mosey
on to the Moon Fashion Salon

Moon Fashion Salon
Loading Screen
Each time you click on one of the symbols at the bottom of your screen, a
different Senshi will strut down a catwalk for you. ^___^ I'm sure you'll
just LOVE those realistic 1997 graphics!
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Mars
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Venus
Tuxedo Mask
Sailor Moon from the side
Sailor Mercury from the side
Sailor Mars from the side
Sailor Jupiter from the side
Sailor Venus from the side
Tuxedo Mask turns to one side...
and now the other.
Sailor Moon from behind
Sailor Mercury from behind
Sailor Mars from behind
Sailor Jupiter from behind
Sailor Venus from behind
Tuxedo Mask from behind
You may have noticed that Rini is missing. There's a reason, and we'll get to
that below in the cut content section. And did you catch how super skinny
they are? That's not healthy, EAT SOMETHING! Anyway, to get Sailor Venus's
pen back, double click on the Venus icon, then click on Sailor Venus. Once
there, click the three bottom film strips, the third one you click on will
chime, letting you know that you found her pen! Before you leave, let's
explore some of the fashions you can use with the six Senshi. Some of these
fashions are dorky "Mom and Dad" wear, and SOME of them are
directed at the ADULTS who still play this game!

Here are some goodies I caught for ya:
Serena wearing a 1902 style
dress, with country bumpkin duds aside her.
Darien going on safari... or
fishing, you pick. GEEZ this screams "Daddy"...
Before we move on, lemme point out that this next one WILL offend all we
women out there…
Sailor Mercury.... fast food
clerk and 2 shakes from the ol' barefoot and
pregnant routine.
That's right girlies! We want you to be stupid, slang speakin'
bubble-gum chompin' idjits
who troll the malls and then spend their free time at home doin' what the men folk say. YAY!! Not.
Okay, back to the rest of the shots!
Sailor Mars... little China girl?
Wait... she's JAPANESE!!
Darien, Kung Fu star?
Rollerblading Sailor Mercury?
Street Darien
Tuxedo Jupiter? UH-OH what will Serena say about
The next few shots were put in for GROWN-UPS. This sounds silly, considering
it's for ages 6+, but once you see these shots, you'll understand my unusual
Serena in um... clown's showgirl
Sailor Mercury after one wild
night at the office!
Raye being... really frilly...
Mina looking... well... you
Mina's morning after
Well, we all KNEW she's the kinky
Of course there are also the transformed costumes too! Well, for the most
part anyway...

Here are each of the shots:
Sailor Mars looking huffy with
clumsy red shoes
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury? HEY!! That's not
EVEN close to her costume, YOU COP OUTS!!!
Sailor Venus with pink shoes?
Tuxedo skinny boy Mask.... NO
Yeah, they gave up trying at 3VR didn't they. Moving on... 9_9
next assignment is to visit the Moon Castle TV Show Palace, which bears a baby
like resemblance to the Silver Millennium’s palace.

Go figure, eh?
Moon Castle TV Show Palace
Loading Screen
TRIVIA TIME!! When the movie plays just before it says "Now
Loading" look at the TV…

The TV screen says "SAILOR MOON Jupiter and Venus Arrive" which is
from an ACTUAL DiC tape that came out in 1997!
![Sailor Moon: Jupiter And Venus Arrive [VHS]](3D_files/image047.jpg)
They released about five or six tapes, each with two out of place episodes,
and this is the opening for Sailor Moon: Jupiter
and Venus Arrive! Nothing like a little shameless product placement in a
children's game, right?
In this room, you are able to watch short Sailormoon themed vignettes, set to
dramatic and/or Olympic Games style music. The clips feature different moments
from various episodes. The first clip you see is a musical adaptation of the
cut-to-shreds DiC season one and two opener.

There's a video for Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter, one for Serena's
klutziness, one for Tuxedo Mask, one about Serena and Darien's love, and one
about the Sailor Scouts as a team. Oh yeah, did anyone else besides me catch
that in both the DiC Sailormoon opening and in the first opening to original
Sailormoon R, Usagi/Serena is running around past a shot of Vincent Van Goh's
Starry Starry Night painting?

To get Sailor Mars's pen back, simply hit the left arrow once on the TV, then
hit the right arrow next to it. That's it really. But before you go, here are
some more facts about this room!
There are 8 screens that will frame your video choice at random.

I know I know, it's Minami/Jordan from the babysitting episode in Sailor Moon
R, but let me dream a little. Mamoru didn't get much screen time with Chibi
Seriously, this is like all we got. Let me live a little.
The first video only plays when you first enter the room. To see it again
after you made another selection, exit the room, and then come back. Here are
the 8 screens:
Serena and Darien
Blue Eyed Rini and Amy holding a
Happy Birthday cake
Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter
ready for combat
Sailor Jupiter with a pink center
charm posing with Sailor Venus
Raye and Mina on a picnic
Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask
Sailor Mars relaxing while Sailor
Venus stands
Sailor Venus and Sailor Mercury
Some of the clips will feature out of place moments, like during Serena and
Darien's piece, there's a shot of Luna giving Serena a
And here's one DiC actually CUT from an episode!
Serena falls on the cats.
And here's a near decent shot of Tuxedo Mask:

Before you get ready for the final area, I want you to click on the yellow
star on the center of the play area. You'll need a musical warm-up, because
you will ACTUALLY get to see combat in the last area! But first, click that
star, won't you?

The star leads you to the Sing Along room! On each side are Sailor Moon and
Tuxedo Mask holding microphones where their weapons should have been.

The next two screenshots feature clips from the first music video you saw,
hosted by Rini's parents.
Queen Beryl
Fat Luna and Feminine Artemis
OKAY! Now you are ready for an ACTUAL BATTLE! When you return to the play
area, click on the Crystal Tokyo castle to enter the battle room.

Battle Room
Loading Screen
This battle only appears easy... IF you have a Pentium 2 processor. For those
of us with processors that are Pentium 3 and above, this is a challenge. I
have a dual core processor on my Windows 7 and this made all of the enemies
shoot past me at the speed of light.
Each time you enter,
your playfield and enemy targets will be different. At any time, you could
either land in a blood soaked crater, or be transported to a blue and
lavender field on the Moon. Your opponents will either be crystals or blobbies based on one of season one's villains. The two
will mix each time.
Crystals over a blood soaked
Blobbies on the Moon
As the non-Darien voiceover tells you, you need to aim at the center of the
targets, and right-click to shoot. This is hard to do, since they move around
so @#$% fast! You need to hit ALL of them as quickly as possible, so your
ending score will be over One Million Points! (Dr. Evil would be proud)
Also, you must hit each one directly in the center, or it doesn't count as a
If you beat them all, you will then face off with THE QUEEN BERYL... box.
Beryl in a box!
Yep. Your BIG boss is trapped in a dinky tiny little box, along with
Malachite and a few baddies of the day. Just three clicks and Sailor Moon
gets her wand back.
Hey! If you're playing as a "Sailor Scout in training" aaaand you just battled with a Moon Wand, even though
Sailor Moon's wand was missing... then does that mean you've been playing as
Rini this whole time? Maybe. Maybe not. Use your imagination!
When you exit the battle room, you will be congratulated for beating the
game. Click on the yellow star again, and THIS time you will see a congrats
message, followed by an animation of Sailor Moon doing a light attack,
followed by your usual "Now Loading" message.
After a short time, your prize is..... you can now revisit all of the five
rooms and play as much as you like, until you get bored and click the quit
button. You will now be in a totally 3D environment, and each time you enter
a play room, and then exit back to the new area, the weather changes! It
could be fall over mountains, morning and peaceful, sunny, or starlit, just
to name a few:
The Movie Palace at daytime
The Movie Palace at night
The Moon Kingdom and Crystal Tokyo against the
The battle area and Puzzle room in the mountains
Fall comes to the Fashion and Movie areas
The Puzzle Room with a cartoony mountain area
The Puzzle Room in olden times
The Puzzle Room and Crystal Tokyo in Rome
2 Moon Kingdoms and Crystal Tokyo!?!?!
Old world fashion and movie
Old world again, looks like
Check how cool Sailor Moon looks
with Rome's sun behind her!
A cartoon Mount Fuji?
Really cartoony clouds
And check this out! On the floor of this new area, are signs for Mercury, Jupiter,
Venus, Mars, Moon and ... Neptune???
See? It's the Sign of Neptune,
was she a planned character for the game?
As promised, here are
ALL of the videos in the game, PLUS videos that 3VR included on the disc, but
didn’t use in the full game!
All of the following videos are in AVI format:
3VR Logo start video
UNRELEASED Alternate Senshi Video
CGI Sailor Moon music video
UNRELEASED test version of
Jupiter’s Library animation
Lita/ Sailor Jupiter music video
Raye/Sailor Mars music video
Darien/Tuxedo Mask music video
Amy/Sailor Mercury music video
Music video about Serena and Darien in love
CGI Sailor Moon using her wand
from the congrats screen
CGI television with the Jupiter
and Venus arrive title card from an early DiC/Buena Vista tape.
Silent video of CGI Sailor Moon twirling used for the
puzzle room
dancing on a music box
Music video about the Sailor
Music Video about Serena being a
Music video about the Sailormoon
Your Mission as a Sailor Scout in
CGI of Sailor Moon 1
CGI of Sailor Moon 2
Sailor Jupiter’s Library card
Mina/Sailor Venus music video
What? No Negaverse
video? No Rini? Oh well, it seems they did plan something though. Something
sinister. Let's move onto… CUT CONTENT!!
In case you missed it
earlier, here's what you need to remember for beating the game:

For as schlocky as it sounds, it's actually a really fun game! Yes, even with
the large amount of facts that they got WRONG and the fact that this
technically counts as shovelware, you really can't
help but like it, at least as a guilty pleasure.
And let me address something for those born after 1991.
Yes, it is a shame that as of this writing, we only have this, a patch for an
old Colorforms PC game and Sailor Moon Drops as the
only officially licensed Sailor Moon games in North America, a bigger shame
that all we have are puzzle/kiddie games, while Italy got a platformer on
Nintendo DS and Japan had fighting games for the series on multiple consoles,
but let me be clear, we were so starving in the 90's for anything Sailor Moon
that this, even this, was considered to be gold.
Sailor Moon merchandise has always been a bit scarce, but in the 90's? It was
practically non existent, despite being the top show on Toonami on Cartoon
Network, the top show aimed at girls on syndicated stations, and the top
internet search anime for adult men looking for hentai. (You know who you
American game developers are too stupid to accept the fact that women and
girls play the exact same video games as boys and men, and we have since
gaming started all the way back with Pong, so wrongfully and unfortunately,
this was all we could get for Sailor Moon. Game developers also did not want
to bring over anything "too Japanese" because they thought nobody
would "get it" so until Pokemon and Final Fantasy stopped being
"underground" things, the only anime related games we saw on proper
gaming consoles were poorly dubbed and often edited games for
Dragonball/Z/GT, Ranma ˝ and in 1999, Inuyasha.
In Japan when this was
out, the final Sailor StarS games had already been on store shelves for a
good while. By that time Nintendo's N64 was already here in America, so
nobody would have bothered to try localizing the SNES games anyway, not to
mention how DiC and the ESRB would have handled Uranus, Neptune and the
Starlights, so even for the first games, it was too late to bring them over
here, so we accepted this PC game, because it was this or nothing.
The game hasn't been
produced in over two decades and 3VR which made the game went belly-up not
long after its biggest hit debuted (Yes, that was Sailor Moon) but on
occasion, you might find a copy on This game is a treasure to own,
and a real reminder of an era far far away.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to have Kousagi return the time key.