boy. This episode is a challenge. In the first place, this was the first
episode that ever scared the crap out of me, so I am typing this review
during daylight hours. But second? Toei really went above and beyond to make
Rei a bitch in this episode.

Also, I should have mentioned this before, but isn't it nice that they've
been spoiling the upcoming story about Usagi being the Moon Princess? Luna doesn't
bring this up until today's episode, but it's so nice of Toei to spoil that
Usagi is the princess by showing her standing in front of the castle. DiC
also spoiled this by editing Queen Serenity into the first episode, Toei
would spoil this again in Sailor Moon Crystal, and even Toonmakers had
planned to spoil this in the pilot for their Saban/She-Ra Sailor Moon pilot,
and yet in the manga, this giant plot twist was supposed to be a huge reveal.
Way to undermine the source material, guys.

Oh and by the way, Ami and Rei are still missing from the 30 second intro.
But that's okay. It's not like they contributed to the team or helped save
your life or anything. It's cool. You get to have one eye larger than the
other for that.

The episode starts at Hikawa Shrine in Rei's bedroom where Luna is trying to
talk to the girls about how great it is that they are a trio now, but Usagi
and Rei ignore her so that they can fight over which one is going to read
Rei's copy of Codename Sailor V. Maybe Usagi should try asking before
touching someone else's convenient product placement?

By the way, Artemis is on the back cover.

Ami might need a lesson in not touching as well, as she is flipping through Rei's
encyclopedia, also ignoring Luna.

After screaming at the girls, shutting up Rei and Usagi and getting Ami's
attention, Luna states that the girls' mission is to find the Moon Princess.

But Luna accidently lets it slip that she has no idea what the princess looks
like or where she is.

Rei's joke is priceless.

Especially to those of us who figured out who the MOON princess is in Sailor

Seeing that Luna just made an ass of herself, Ami tries to save the moment by
getting everyone to focus on their other mission, saving people.

By the way, why does Rei's bedroom have tons of binders and then a children's
teddy bear poster? And what is with the coral and salmon drapes and
bedspread, those aren't even her favorite colors?

Ami produces a newspaper article about the new amusement park, Dream Land,
noting that strange things have been happening at the park lately, and people
are going missing.

Fun fact, the paper is dated May 23, 1992, which is the same day this episode
aired originally in Japan. Also, the ad in the bottom right corner is for a
sewing competition we will see in Nephrite's arc.

Meanwhile in the Dark Kingdom, Queen Beryl is looking at hologram projections
of Sailor Mercury, Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars.

And she's not using this technique to make Sailor Guardian idol concerts

Jeddy-chan has white eyes for a moment, like
someone forgot to paint them.

Beryl blames Jadeite for Sailor Mars appearing, and tells him she will not be
giving him too many chances to redeem himself. He tries to change the subject
by saying he already has a human energy stealing plan in blah blah blah and
she tells him he is expendable. Spoken like a true business woman, although
this segment is the start of some lazy writing here. You could exchange this
bit with any other episode and not even know the difference.

I feel like that is a missed opportunity with Beryl, whose eyes flash today
and whose ear horns are oddly flesh tone. I feel like these segments should
have made her presence a bit stronger, especially considering the epic fight
she will have at the end of this season. And yet instead, we have recycled
writing and recycled animation save but for this and the hologram scene.
Queen Beryl is an excellent villain, so maybe I'm just a little biased when I
say we needed just a little more of her here. But oh well. This season will
fix that in future episodes.

And we cut to Disneyland Dream Land.

While people are having fun on the rides, Jadeite is trying to convince
reporters that the 50 missing people are totally fine and not um, like

Luna, Usagi, Rei and Ami are of course eavesdropping.

Jadeite pushes the reporters out in a brilliant segment.

Cat's eyes have secondary eyelids? And what is with Rei's dad slippers?

Ami, Rei and Luna are bantering among themselves about where the victims
might be, when they catch Usagi giving no fucks and enjoying a carousel ride.

Why does this horse look familiar?

These faces.

Well as usual, Luna chews Usagi a new asshole for behaving like a 14 year old
girl. Ami can't stop smiling.

Rei joins in after Usagi has already apologized, and slaps her little moon
ass right off the bench.

And Usagi ends up face to face with a lion. Wait… what the hell?

The lion speaks (we have ANOTHER talking cat?) but it turns out he's just an
animatronic lion, as he is formerly introduced to the girls by Princess
Dream, the park's answer to every Disney princess ever certain other amusement park princesses.

Usagi has a fangirl moment with Princess Dream while the princess rubs a fake
apple to make other robotic animals appear.

And of course bunnies would be there, because Usagi is Japanese for
rabbit/bunny. And there's a lion, a tiger and a bear, oh my!

Ami and Luna are genuinely freaked out. Rei knows immediately that something
is wrong.

Usagi is giving no fucks.

So Rei yoinks her off of the bear and slams her ass
onto the concrete ground.

Rei tries to tell Usagi that Princess Dream is evil. Usagi just says she
isn't sure, real innocently, and Rei lights into her, calling her dense.
Usagi reminds her that she's been doing this longer, and good grief, I have
to side with Usagi here. Sure, Rei has
a point that Usagi's guard is way down, but is that really an excuse to be belligerently
rude to someone who is basically your superior in multiple ways? You've been
a Sailor Guardians exactly ONE day. ONE. That pretty much makes you a rookie.
Usagi has been doing this for a good while now, and was doing just fine
without you until yesterday. Maybe straighten up and fly right for a minute,

Pretending not to hear Rei, who is within earshot of her, Princess Dream
invites the girls to the House of Sweets, which has moons all up and down it's
castle, like a certain Moon Kingdom we know of.

And Jadeite is already inside with all of the drugged and sleeping hostages
he's been draining the energy of.

About done with their shit for today, Luna and Ami split away from Usagi,
forcing her to tag with Rei. And no, this isn't to help build the girls'
friendship or teamwork up, this is sincerely because Luna wants a break. Ami
is already her favorite at this point. There's just no hiding that.

Usagi and Rei watch Princess Dream interact with the children and the robot
animals. Usagi keeps insisting that she can't imagine Princess Dream doing
something bad, while Rei is convinced the princess is evil.

I bet a few people got a big chuckle out of Usagi saying everyone loves a
little Usagi.

Except for Rei, because Rei is a killjoy.

Okay, and then the episode gets weird. So there is a little boy who wants to
ride the bear. Princess Dream puts the boy onto the bear. Rei flips out and
demands the princess take the boy down. She obliges, leaving the boy
dejected. Usagi steps in and puts the boy back on the bear, because he is not
in danger, and this is not your child, Rei.

Rei decides to start a fight.

Then the two begin to pull the child back and forth, playing tug of war with
his body.

Fortunately, the child's old, fugly mom appears to collect her child from the
14 year old superheroes who were just pulling him apart.

The child cries and the girls have made a wonderful spectacle of themselves.
Way to go, Rei.

Usagi and Rei then take a train, because I would want to leave town too after

Rei bitches and complains about it, but Usagi points out that taking the
train is actually a good way to cover more ground quickly, seeing as how the
train goes all over the park. You would think Rei might compliment her for
having a smart idea for once, but nope.

The train abruptly starts, and Usagi accidently bumps into Mamoru, who I am
shocked she didn't fucking see right in front of her this entire time. He
balls up his fist and chews her ass out, and I am going to take this as a
threat. Seriously, how do they wind up married with kids? He is balling up
his fist like he plans to hit her. WTF? Worse? She's FOURTEEN. He's about 17
going on 18 here. He's older than her and this is how he behaves knowing this
was a fucking accident?

Rei loves when he calls Usagi Odango-atama/Bun-head, and she decides to join
him in flat out bullying Usagi.

And now they compliment each other for bullying Usagi.

Usagi screams, demanding these two leave her alone, and then she brings up an
excellent point. Why is Mamoru riding a kiddie ride, alone, at a children's
amusement park?

She laughs at him, saying he must not have any friends and stating again how
creepy it is for a grown assed man to be riding a kiddie ride, ALONE,
surrounded by kids, at a children's amusement park. Mamoru yells that he has
his reasons. And what reasons are those, Mamo-chan? Hmm? Trolling for kiddies?
Considering you're going to date both Usagi and Rei in a few episodes, and
they are both FOURTEEN YEAR OLD CHILDRENS, I can say flat out that there is
only one thing you can look forward to.

Yeah, you don't need to be hanging around kids, Mr. Creepy.

Rei asks Usagi if she thinks Mamoru looks like Tuxedo Mask, but Usagi denies
it. This pains me.

Can I just stop right here and appreciate Mamoru in Sailor
Moon Crystal for just a second? Mamoru's attitude was relegated to
one or two snide comments and the rest of the time, he was a real tender heart.
By episode 7 he had confessed his love for Usagi, quit caring about the
damned crystal, and halfway through the second arc, he was Mr. Responsible
dad and future husband for Usagi and Chibiusa. Can I pleeeeeeease
have him back?

And I'd like to also appreciate Rei in Sailor Moon Crystal.
There has only been two times so far where she was out of line. The rest of
the time, she is thoughtful, patient, caring and most of all… QUIET. My God
what a refreshing take on the character.

So after the commercial break, Usagi and Rei catch up to Luna to find that
Ami has gone into the House of Sweets alone, and continuity error. For
starters, the moons on the castle are now replaces with some weird pattern,
and second? Why would Ami ever go on ahead of Luna? Think hard. Ami rarely
does anything on her own, and Luna told her they had to stick together. So
either Ami went on ahead against orders and told Luna to wait for Usagi and
Rei, or Luna abused her power of command and sent Ami in alone. Either way,
the writing does not work here at all.

Inside, everyone is going nuts for the candy and cakes being served, except
for Ami, who is just trying to find a clue.

Which are not real and are completely evil. Princess Dream appears to spew a
pink mist onto everyone.

Everyone starts hallucinating, thinking there are flowers everywhere, then
Ami spots the princess using the apple to steal everyone's energy. But she
passes out before being able to stop her. Everyone passes out from the
drugged candy and the twice as druggie mist.

Rei senses Ami passing out. She and Usagi try to open the door, but it's
locked. Usagi cries, worried about Ami and Rei jumps her shit for it. Usagi
suggests that Rei is cold hearted and Rei gets all butthurt until Luna
screams at them to transform.

And while Rei transforms, Luna jumps Usagi's ass about not transforming

Rei destroys the door with her Fire Soul attack, then orders that Sailor Moon
follow her, which pisses off Sailor Moon so bad her tiara disappears.

Princess Dream greets the girls, then shoots her pink drug mist at them,
making them hallucinate.

She goes to give Sailor Moon a wreath of flowers, but Sailor Mars stops her.

The wreath becomes a snake and bites Sailor Mars, then turns to stone.

Having learned her lesson about looks being deceiving, Sailor Moon tries to
apologize, and Mars bitches her out again as the venom spreads and her arm
starts turning into stone.

Mars uses Akuryo Taisan to destroy the stone and rid her body of the venom.

Sailor Moon cries, relieved that Mars will be okay, and Mars bitches her out
for having feelings. Mars calls out the Dream Princess, and the most
nightmare inducing thing happens.

The timing of Sailor Moon's expression is perfect, but this scared the shit
out of me as a kid.

After a speech from Sailor Moon, Moorido (the
former Princess Dream) sprays the girls with more drug gas.

Sailor Moon tries to assure Luna that they won't fall for any more
hallucinations, but I think we know better.

The girls suddenly see Tuxedo Mask, and that last bit is tossed right out the

Because hormones.

Especially Mars, who loses her panties.

They don't even hear Luna.

And this photo is every parent's worst nightmare and every straight dude's

Moorido agrees with Luna that she wants the girls
to stay in the dream hallucination, so she can steal their energy.

The real Tuxedo Mask appears, stabbing the apple with his rose, and we get an
uncomfortable scene where Sailor Moon is humping a broomstick. What pervert drew this??

You know, even in saving them from the hallucinations, he's kind of a dick

Sailor Mars looks ashamed for having humped a broom, while Sailor Moon hasn't
quite stopped.

And someone is going to do a hentai or otherwise inappropriate sketch of

Moorido says she will send them back into the dream
since Tuxedo Mask has left, and the girls shake their heads.


Ami regrets having gone on ahead, but as she gets up, Luna instructs the
girls to make a run for it. Moon and Mars catch up to Ami and Ami tells the
girls the obvious, that it's the apple.

Ami transforms into Sailor Mercury, and Sailor Moon loses parts of her

The girls take turns using their attacks to catch Muurido off guard.

WHY?? Why did I need to see this??

Mercury creates a fog to confuse Muurido while Mars freezes her in place with
Akuryo Taisan.

Sailor Moon and Sailor Mars then combine their attacks, killing Moorido with a Fire Soul Tiara.

Jadeite swears he will get the girls next time, as the House of Sweets disintegrates.

The rest of the amusement park survives, and Luna tries to tell the girls
that it's because of teamwork that they saved the day, but Rei and Usagi are
not listening. Usagi complains that Rei has more ice cream than her, and Rei
leads Usagi in a chase, prompting Usagi to slip, losing her ice cream.
Okay. You've known me for like… ever. You know where I'm starting, don't you?
Yeah. Yeah you do.
There is a magical princess with pink hair and blue eyes. Why wouldn't I
think of Chibiusa and Kousagi? Just the thought that this was like Usagi
getting a glimpse of the future just tickles me. I know there were a ton of
dolls with pink hair back then, and plenty of characters this could have been
parodying, but the gentle expression, the bubble bangs, the soft pink hair,
what did you expect me to think?
Especially when Wapiko from Goldfish Warning!/Goldfish
Panic sneaks behind Princess Dream for a cameo. Now I'm just
picturing Chibiusa looking down at Kousagi.
Or even Chibi Chibi a little bit with those pink bubble bangs. The closer
Usagi or Chibiusa (or Chibi Chibi) get to their royal or full forms, the
lighter their hair becomes until it's white, silver or pale pink.
Even in turning evil, there's a future nod to Chibiusa. Dream Princess
becomes Moorido, changing into a black, red and
blue dress, while when Chibiusa becomes Black lady, her dress is brown, black
and blue with a deep pink scarf and red shoes.
Speaking of, I forgot to mention in the last episode recap that on November
18, 1994, Wapiko joined Sailor Moon and Sailor
Chibi Moon in the Super Famicom (Super Nintendo) game Nakayoshi
Panic, while on December 10, 1993, Wapiko
joined Luna, Sailor Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Jupiter in Nakayoshi to Issho on Famicom.
(NES) This is funny, because not only did the exact same staff at Toei do
both of their anime shows, but both debuted in the same manga magazines! Go

Oh look. There's Wapiko again, along with a Rei
(Jr) lookalike and a little Hotaru with a bunny. Foreshadowing?

And there Wapiko is again, inside the House of
Oh, and here's Usagi with a little bunny (Ko-Usagi) next to Kousagi with a
little bunny.

Moving on, this is a giant change from the manga that I haven't let go. I
don't know exactly which clown made this call, but for the remainder of this
series, Rei will be a rude, stuck up, aggressive, thoughtless little bitch.
Why?? Where did this come from?
In the manga, yes, Rei does have a
temper, but it's something that rarely pops up. We get one short story
between Rei and Minako where it reaches a crescendo, but not nearly to the
level of bitch this anime makes her. Furthermore, in the manga, she occasionally
teases Usagi, but it's always at a level that a sister might poke fun at you.
But here? Oh my god, the first season is just Rei ripping Usagi to pieces!
Isn't it bad enough that Luna won't let Usagi be until late into SuperS?
Another thing that kills me is that no
reason is ever given. NONE!! In the manga, we at least learn that Rei has a
bad attitude sometimes because her father freaking abandons her, put his
career ahead of his family and ultimately this lead to her mom being depressed
right into an early grave, and we learn that her first love screwed around on
her heart, lied to her face and then ends up marrying some older woman Rei's
father set him up with, but here? Outside of her putting up with a senile,
lecherous grandfather, she is never given any kind of reason to be a snotty
I guess you can argue that she treats
Usagi like garbage because she doesn't respect her as a leader, or you could
even say there is a twinge of jealousy, especially in later episodes, but I
guess she exhibits here a trait we later see in her daughter in Parallel
Sailor Moon, where Rei (Jr) laments having to follow Kousagi's lead, because
she sees Kousagi as stupid.
In any case, today starts a long string
of episodes where I just want to choke her family for not disciplining her.
Although we do see a glimpse of her manga hair today.
Krillin/Kuririn/Kulilin makes a cameo today! Toei was also animating
Dragonball Z at the same time. Namek Saga, where Krillin sported this look for a minute, had aired a year
prior to the debut of Sailor Moon. By the time this episode aired, the
Dragonball Z anime was ready to debut Android 17 and Android 18. Sailor Moon
and Dragonball Z crossover fans had always wanted to see these characters
together, and none of them ever realized that they sorta got their wish. In
the next scene though, they switch it back to their weird, shaved head kid
that also goes to Shingo's school, but for a few seconds, we had a crossover.

This is NOT Goku by the way. This is the Buddhist deity Fudō-myōō,
also known as Acala and as Candarosana. He is one of the Five Wisdom Kings of
the Womb Realm, and he holds a high position in the Mandala of the Two Realms. He purifies by
fire, so it's pretty amazing that Rei calls upon him when she uses her Akuryo
Taisan attack. You can read up
on him here. He is missing from the DiC cut of this episode and from
several other episodes as well, but in the original, he appears just about
every time she uses this attack. Also, when Rei chants "Rin Pyo To Sha
Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen" it loosely translates to "all warriors have
been lined up in formation here". Akuryo Taisan translates to "Evil
spirits be gone!" and is one attack Rei can use without having to be
transformed, since it's part of her priestess/miko
duties anyway.
HEY!! So we have a dream sequence with Tuxedo Mask on a white horse with blue
hair. Helios first appears as a white Pegasus with blue hair from the dream
world of Elysion. Is this how Pegasus will look after Tuxedo Mask gets done
with him?
You know he isn't going to take too kindly to Helios seeing his daughter in
her bedroom after hours. Or is Helios going after Chibiusa karmic payback for
Mamoru dating underage girls? You decide.