Flow poses as a radio executive, and knocks out employees at FM 10,
a popular radio station. She produces a deadly flower that Jadeite
distributes to unsuspecting victims. Her main attack is explosive breath,
which can destroy buildings. |
Haruna is a somewhat immature
young woman, who is Usagi’s 8th Grade teacher. Haruna’s love
letter is chosen to be read on air by Jadeite, and she is sent one of Flow’s
deadly flowers. After putting it on, she collapses at school. Naru also receives one of the
flowers, and as soon as she puts it on, both she and Usagi pass out! Luna is
able to awaken Usagi at the hospital with a bite, but the other victims do
not awaken until after Flow is killed. |
Episode 3: The mysterious sleeping disease, protect the young girl's loving
We start the episode with Jadeite telling Queen Beryl
that he and Furau are working on a new plan to steal energy. Queen Beryl
politely reminds him not to fail. In the middle of the night, we see Usagi and Naru, each
in their own bedrooms, listening to a program called Midnight Zero on FM 10.
J-Dite (Wow, real creative nickname there, bud.) is reading Ms. Haruna's love
letter to an ex on the air, much to the astonishment of her least prized
pupil, Usagi. J-Daito announces that the station is accepting love letters,
and that if your letter is chosen, you will receive a magical flower, said to
bring you good luck. As Usagi begins to think about whether or not she would
write a love letter, Luna yells at her about staying up late, and tells her
to get some sleep. Usagi reluctantly complies. The next morning, Kenji is reading in the newspaper
about a deadly new sleeping sickness. He muses that he wishes he would catch
the disease just to get a little rest. (Wow, really dude?) Ikuko chastises
him over the comment, but everything is made with once Kenji compliments her
on her cooking. Let's imagine this conversation in real life, shall we? Kenji: Oh darn it. I just wish I could catch the plague
so I can take a vacation. Well no sooner did we clear up this misunderstanding do
we hear Usagi screaming. She barrels down the stairs, grabs some toast and runs
for dear life to the school building. She just barely makes it, but the
teacher is missing. After a few minutes, Haruna comes stumbling in, looking
totally drunk. She makes an attempt to start class, but the giant, honking,
poison flower on her boob that nobody seems to notice, starts glowing bright
purple, sucking her energy dry. Usagi cheers, because this means the teacher
won't notice how late she was. YAY FOR POISONING TEACHERS!! Outside, Luna is bitching to herself about Usagi, when
suddenly she meets Motoki. We see Luna has the hots for Motoki, but she turns
her attention away once she realizes there's an ambulance coming for Usagi's
school. By the way, Luna seems to have a type for skinny guys with either
white or blonde hair. Think about Kakeru. Think about Yaten. Think about
Human Artemis. Now think about Motoki. Back at school, Haruna is being carted away and is
snoring loudly. Just like her father, Usagi muses that she wishes she could
get the sleeping sickness so she could catch some rest. JEEZ it must be a
family trait to want the plague! Interestingly enough, she also says she
wishes she could be trapped in a dreamland forever. This line later becomes
the premise for the SuperS movie, but by this point it's not such a happy
thought. At the same time, Furau is disguised as a new executive
to FM 10. Her eyes glow as the other executives try to figure out why they
keep getting fan letters for Midnight Zero, when the show doesn't exist on
their programming block. After school, Naru tells Usagi she's been sending in
letters to future boyfriends. Usagi starts to muse about who her future
boyfriend would be, and she bumps right into Mamoru, who promptly makes fun
of her, pissing her completely off. Naru thinks he's gorgeous, totally
ignoring the fact he just accused her best friend of being crazy, and Usagi
screeches that there's nothing gorgeous about him. She storms home to write a
love letter, but has writer's block. She then decides to meet J-Daito at the
radio station, and ask him to teach her how to write a love letter, and she
darts off with Luna. But the security guard at the station insists that
Midnight Zero doesn't exist. When she and Luna return home, they catch the
program on air, despite the fact that it's not listed in the paper. Naru's letter
is read on air. The next morning at school, Naru shows off her flower,
and Usagi points out it's the exact same one Haruna had. This leads Yumiko,
Kari and Naru to figure out their teacher was the same lady whose letter was
read on Midnight Zero. *Clap. Clap* Good job. Well as soon as Naru puts the
flower on, it sucks out her and Usagi's energy, and the two girls pass out. Usagi has a dream where she is flying. She lands by
Tuxedo Mask and asks if he will be her future boyfriend. He says yes and she's
all happy. She asks him to reveal his identity for her. As he pulls off the
mask to reveal his identity as Mamoru, Luna screams, waking Usagi up. Even in
her dreams, this cat is phenomenally good at cock blocking her. Usagi wakes up in a hospital, and sees that Naru
apparently can sleep right through the shrill noise of a screeching cat.
Usagi and Luna decide to investigate the radio station. Meanwhile, Jadeite praises Furau for creating the
flowers, musing that they will put more girls to sleep, and then siphon off
their energy through the flowers to Queen Beryl. They go to once again
infiltrate FM 10 and start the show. As all this is happening, Luna gives
Usagi the Luna Pen, and helps her transform into a gorgeous newscaster. Once
Usagi figures out how to walk in heels, they march up to the room Midnight
Zero is being sent from, and find the entire crew asleep. Usagi also finds
that J-Daito is pretty cute, which now that I think about it, he sort of
looks like Motoki and Haruka. Hmm. Well anyway, hormones aside, Usagi barges
in and announces via radio what a crock the flowers are, and encourages the
females listening to turn away, return the flowers, and to be brave enough to
tell those they care for in person how they feel. (This was actually Luna's advice,
but who's counting?) Just then, Furau breaks the soundproof glass, blowing
back Usagi. She then fully becomes a Youma, and fires off explosive breath.
While escaping death, Usagi transforms into Sailor Moon. After her speech,
Furau attacks Moon and Luna, and chases them through the roof outside. After
running away from attacks for a while, Luna reminds Sailor Moon about the
tiara again. Sailor Moon throws the tiara, and initially it misses Furau. But
Sailor Moon starts to hover, and she uses her arms to redirect the tiara
around like a boomerang, and slices Furau in half, letting her die screaming.
(This is a bad ass scene!!) She turns her attention to Jadeite and flings the tiara
again, but he stops the attack in mid air, causing Sailor Moon to panic,
because at this point, that really is her only attack. She tries to aim for a
physical attack, and he bounces her back onto concrete. But just as he's
getting closer to her, a rose appears. Jadeite smiles, and races back to the
Dark Kingdom. Tuxedo Mask laughs, promising to see Sailor Moon again, and she
fawns all over him. He literally did nothing. As the sun rises, Haruna pops up, completely fine. The
studio heads wake up fully charged and Naru awakens in her bed, at home, and
with a clean set of PJs on. Did her mom cart her home and redress her? Who
knows. But soon everyone is at school. Usagi is writing a letter to Tuxedo
Mask, and Naru snatches it. Before long, Usagi is chasing Naru, and Haruna
starts chasing them both, because she wants to know who the love letter is
for. |
From far away, this looks
like a tasteful outfit, but let's keep in mind, this is just an adult
disguise for a 14 year old girl. Upon closer examination,
we see that she's wearing a tight, magenta, button down shirt with long
sleeves, a very tiny, very tight, maroon mini skirt, white high heels and
white-lavender earrings and necklace. Accompanying this is a pair of black
sunglasses. Usagi is wearing pink lipstick to match the blouse, and she has
her long tresses cut short, and her bangs are removed. For a 22 year old, this
would be a tight but appropriate ensemble, and it's one of the more fashionable
outfits of the season. But on a 14 year old girl, it's still pretty
revealing, but maybe the bigger issue is getting Usagi-chan to walk in those
shoes. |
me back to the Battle Record!
me to the next episode!
me back to the previous episode!
Follow me back to Moon Sisters!