Iguara first takes on a human form, posing as the owner of a pet
shop. She sells the kids of Tokyo Chanela pets, which are rabbit like
creatures that emit a toxic perfume. The kids get high off of the pets, and
begin to act violently towards other people. When Sailor Moon discovers this
plot, Iguara turns the children nearby into zombie-lizard-monsters, and sends
them against Sailor Moon. Iguara herself tries to strangle Sailor Moon with
her tail! Chanela is named after the perfume Chanel No. 5. In the manga, Ruruna Kobe is a fan of the "Channel"
brand, another play off of Chanel No. 5. While she is not a Sailor Senshi and
only uses her real name, some fans have playfully called her "Sailor
Channel" in honor of the brand. Many fans still believe a pink Chanela
would be perfect for her as a Guardian. |
Shingo is Usagi’s younger brother.
Like his big sister, he’s a video game fan and likes to play Nintendo. He’s a
huge fan of Sailor V and Sailor Moon, thinking that they’re both very cute. But
he views his sister as being very stupid. He never learns his sister’s
identity as Sailor Moon. Depending on the episode, there is
a 3-5 year age gap between Shingo and Usagi. In the R movie, there's only 3
years between them, but off and on here and in SuperS, it stretches to 5. He attends the same school as
Chibiusa in SuperS. Mika Kayama is a talented,
energetic doll maker, but very temperamental. She is Shingo’s first love, but
is very pushy. Mika only appears in two episodes
of the anime. In the Materials Collection artbook, there is a page where Shingo thinks of her
name, but Naoko Takeuchi never drew her. Children, tweens and teens are
seen becoming possessed by the Chanela. |
Episode 5: The Demonic Scent! Chanela Steals Love
Well speaking of dreaming, we start the episode where Usagi
is having a nightmare. Well just as Usagi is starting to enjoy this fantasy,
Shingo starts screaming, granting us a few minutes worth of hilarious
scribble faces. At breakfast, Kenji takes an immediate liking to Luna,
and Ikuko has made her a saucer of milk. Usagi asks if she can keep Luna, and
Shingo starts a fight with her. The two scream it out, and just how do their
parents handle this? Outside, Usagi asks Luna why she was in Shingo's room
at all. Luna claims she was exhausted and just didn't think. Usagi asks
playfully if Luna was trying to catch mice… you know… like a USEFUL house
cat. But Luna says she was looking for the Moon Princess. And somehow, Usagi
hears "pudding" out of "princess". Meanwhile, Jadeite is telling Queen Beryl that Iguara
is ready to go. She gives him her blessing. At school ~ and by the way, we are at the second
episode in a row where Usagi is ON TIME for school ~ Usagi tells Naru that
when Shingo was a baby, he was bit on the tip of the nose by a cat, and ever
since then, he's been afraid of cats. Umino then tries to convince the two
girls that he survived being bitten by an alligator. So anyway, she waits for Shingo to appear, pounces,
licks him and scares the piss out of him. Honestly. It's a good thing she's a
cat, otherwise this would be considered very rapey. Well just as Luna leaves, Mika appears, giggling that
he doesn't like cats. Because why be supportive, right? Well the two start
walking, and she tells him about the new pet store having the
"perfect" pet for him. The pet store is called Pet Shop perfume,
and reeks of sweet smelling … well… perfume. Clever, right? The two enter,
and before they can even browse, the shop owner tells the two kids about the
Chanelas and how each Chanela has a unique scent. Shingo sees a really cute
one, and leans down to- One by one, the Chanelas start possessing each of the
kids in the store. Naturally, Shingo chooses this one to bring home. The shop
owner tells the kids they can pay whenever they want, and by this point, the
kids are so high from the perfume that they can't tell a SCAM when they hear
it. As they walk home, Mika and Shingo walk right past a
homeless puppy. The Chanelas take their energy with each step. At home, Usagi is disappointed Luna hasn't gotten along
with Shingo. Luna tries to tell her she doesn't have to be kept as a pet, but
Usagi scolds her for being a coward and backing down too quickly. Just then,
Shingo slams open Usagi's door. Luna tries to walk playfully towards Shingo,
mewing like a kitten. Violins play, and suddenly Shingo kicks Luna clear
across the floor!! Shingo demands Luna be thrown out, which makes Usagi
cry. I'd have backhanded his little ass, but in this case, crying makes him
flee. After Shingo runs off, Luna licks up Usagi's tears and tries to
convince her everything is okay. Ikuko is serving tea and cookies. The whole family
gathers around. Shingo tells Kenji that Chanela doesn't need to eat anything
at all. Ever. Kenji seems to think that makes it an economical pet. MOST
PEOPLE WOULD FIND AN ISSUE WITH THAT!!! But then, this is just a negligent
parent to begin with. His son is HIGH and rubbing a Chanela ass AT THE TABLE
and he doesn't even notice!! The next day, Usagi tries getting him up for school. He
refuses to leave, so she checks in on him. His cheeks are sunken in, his eyes
are dilated, and the Chanela is glowing…. Aaaaaaaaaaaand she does NOTHING
about it. Yep. Awesome. Good job being a big sister there. The next day at school, almost half of Usagi's class
have Chanelas. Yumiko tries to hide hers, but goes into immediate withdrawal.
When Haruna catches her with the pet out, she tries to take the Chanela from
her. Yumiko screams and pushes Haruna into another desk. Yumiko, Kuri and all
of the kids with Chanelas decide to leave class. Usagi asks Naru where the
pets are coming from, and Naru tells her about the new store. Usagi asks Naru
to go with her to check it out, but Naru declines, so Usagi goes alone. At the store, Usagi thinks about the risk of ending up
like her brother, but decides it's for the best to go in. Mamoru appears to
tease her, but she decides to ignore him today. Luna is already inside and
tries to warn Usagi not to look into a Chanela's eyes, but it's too late,
Usagi ends up possessed with a pet. Luna orders her to return the pet, but
Usagi just says this: Luna brushes it off, and as she's trying to catch up to
Usagi, a toddler falls off of a tricycle. Usagi walks past without even
glancing at the tot, and Luna… licks up the tears… But more than that, she has a taste for blood. When she
realizes Usagi is ignoring her, she jumps onto Usagi's head, bites the
Chanela in the neck, and then throws it's carcass into a trash can. HOLY
SHIT!! Sailor Moon arrives, just as the pet shop owner puts
together an army of children and Chanelas. The plan is to make everyone in town
have a Chanela and fall in love with one, so the pets will steal their life
energy for Queen Beryl. On seeing Sailor Moon, the pet shop owner becomes
Iguara. She then transforms the children into zombie-lizards. Luna then tells her to use Moon Tiara Action on the
kids. Sailor Moon accurately points out that if she does, Shingo will die. So
Luna tells her to try Moon Tiara Stardust, an attack with heals the children
and breaks the Chanela spell. I CAN'T BELIEVE LUNA HAD TO THINK ABOUT THAT!!!
Hmm lesseeeeee, do I tell Usagi to kill her little brother or not? This cat
is evil. Well, Iguara gets pissed and chases Sailor Moon to a parking lot,
and then strangles her with her tail. Shingo races outside, thinking he was saved by Sailor
V. Sailor Moon hides behind a car as Shingo begs for an autograph. She tells
him she is in fact, Sailor Moon. His response? |
me back to the Battle Record!
me to the next episode!
me back to the previous episode!
Follow me back to Moon Sisters!