episode starts with a recap of Super Sailor Chibi Moon's transformation,
followed by a reminder that Mistress 9 is still a thing right now.

By the way, I'm digging Tuxedo Mask insisting they not waste time on being
mushy and just go save the day.

As Mistress 9 approaches, mother and daughter do Rainbow Double Moon

As Mistress 9 endures the hit, Sailor Pluto notices that Master Pharaoh 90 is
starting to creep up.

Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon put their all into the attack.

After the opening theme song, Mistress 9 has been blown back by the power of
Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon, which alerts Master Pharaoh
90. The two lovers declare they have been waiting a long time for this day,
and fuse together.

Guys…. I know you don't care right now… but there are minors watching from
the sky. Get a room.

No seriously. Super Sailor Moon can't even process the nasty going on right

See these people? They don't know whether to vomit or scream right now.

Does anybody have a Moon Mop to clean the love stains off the city?

Super Sailor Moon orders everyone disgusted to attack. Tuxedo Mask gets a
brand new attack animation sequence like the girls. About time!

Super Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi Moon combine their attack with
everyone else, blasting Master Pharaoh 90 at full force.

I love that Tuxedo Mask has powers now, don't you?

But as Master Pharaoh 90 swallows the energy and grows, Super Sailor Chibi
Moon passes out from exhaustion. Give the kid a break, she JUST came back
from the dead like a few minutes ago, and from cardiac arrest no less!

Tuxedo Mask saves Super Sailor Chibi Moon just as the Inner Guardians also collapse
from exhaustion. Dying and coming back can really wipe you out.

The Outers yell at the girls to keep at it. Because death and resurrection
are like child's play, right. <_<… Okay they're minors so yeah, but

Super Sailor Moon figures out that Master Pharaoh 90 is absorbing the girls'
energy, thus getting stronger.

The outers fall from exhaustion (not so fun now is it?) breaking the barrier.
Master Pharaoh 90 floods the city as Sailor Mercury spots the Tau system

Master Pharaoh 90 starts fusing with the buildings, as the team slowly
realizes that a good chunk of the city is pretty much dead right now. Super
Sailor Chibi Moon wakes up, just as the other girls start lamenting their
fate. Super Sailor Moon notes that everyone reached their limit pretty
quickly, leaving the Earth SOL.

Everyone looks up when a golden light appears…

Seeing it's the Moon, Super Sailor Moon starts having flashbacks to her last

Super Sailor Moon decides that just as the others protected her, she must now
protect them. Kid, I don't know if you've been paying attention since episode
2 or not, but ah… how do I explain this… YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SAVING THEIR
ASSES!! THIS SHIT AIN'T NEW!! In fact, you actually were not saved by ANY of
them during these flashbacks and as Princess Serenity, died by self-inflicted
sword stabbing, so how in the Hell are you indebted to them again??

Tuxedo Mask freaks out as Super Sailor Moon calls forth the Holy Grail again.
Oh sorry. Moon Chalice.

Everyone watches with gaping mouths as Super Sailor Moon takes a suicidal
leap with the Grail (bite me, it's called the Grail) into Master Pharaoh 90.
Tuxedo Mask starts screaming while Luna tries to pull up Super Sailor Moon's

Instead of waiting for Luna's stats, let's keep an eye on the little one
here. If she fades away, then we know Sailor Moon is dead.

Tuxedo Mask starts crying, lamenting the fact that he totally did not stop
his lover from diving in. Super Sailor Chibi Moon screams "MAMA!!"
but the subtitles read "Mom!!" Did you hear that? That was a gang
of Moonie buttholes slamming shut. And why? Because there are older Sailor
Moon fans who got ass hurt that DiC allowed Chibiusa to call Usagi "Moon
Mama" in the R and SuperS movies. Those people were in denial all these
years about whether or not Chibiusa recognizes Sailor Moon as her mother. Not
only does she here, she also does it in the manga. Deal with it. No matter
what timeline the spore is from, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask's DNA say they
are her mom and dad. HA!

As the girls start lamenting the fact that they TOTALLY SUCK when it comes to
protecting Sailor Moon, the Talismans start glittering, shooting off beams.
Mistress 9's head starts splitting open from inside her lover's body, as
Master Pharaoh 90 starts screaming. The buildings start flying apart.

From the disgusting mess that used to be Hotaru's body comes a purple light.
The Outers watch on in horror as the 12 year old's body regenerates and becomes
Sailor Saturn, bringing on a brand new level of FUCKED for everyone.

Hotaru gets a transformation sequence as her body is resurrecting. Also, her
gem is purple now instead of white.

This is the first time Sailor Saturn has had a televised transformation, and
she's the first one to transform while coming back from the dead!

Hi. My name is Sailor Whoopass. Y'all bitches is

Did anybody else catch how pointy and angry looking her gloves are? See
people? SEE?? This is why you don't piss off the Goth tween with daddy issues
on DeviantArt. Look what you get!

Skipping the use of a flashy attack initially, Sailor Saturn abjectly stabs
Master Pharaoh 90, paralyzing him by hitting a nerve.

Sailor Saturn tells the others that Hotaru was supposed to have died in the Mugenzu explosion that claimed her mother. But when Prof.
Tomoe cheated death and turned Hotaru into a cyborg, it shocked awake
Hotaru's soul, but also alerted the soul of Saturn, who was not supposed to
awaken. She was supposed to die before awakening. Isn't this fucked up??

She blames Hotaru's father (figures, what did I tell you?) for attracting the
aliens from Tau, but then she also states that the reason why everything
keeps happening is because this is a chosen land. So like literally, if the
Tau bastards never came here, we'd still be screwed. This explains the other
creepy bastards Sailor Moon keeps fighting, now doesn't it? Well anyway,
Saturn says she will be dropping the Silence Glaive.

Saturn leaps into the sky, and as the Outers are freaking out, she performs
Death Ribbon Revolution. And yes, that is how it's supposed to be called.
Kodansha-manga whiners I'm lookin' at you.

Master Pharaoh 90 starts screaming that the little girl is sucking out all of
his power.

The energy from Saturn is whipping around everyone, as Master Pharaoh 90
loses his grip on the Earth and starts to be sucked up by Saturn's Glaive.
Tuxedo Mask freaks out that this must be the end of the world.

Super Sailor Chibi Moon has not powered down yet nor has she faded away. So
clearly these people still have a future and Sailor Moon is still alive, but
nobody is paying attention now, are they? Not a bright lot. Anyway, Chibi
Moon gazes up into Sailor Saturn's eyes, and screams for Sailor Moon.

And yes, I have been spoiling you with extra shots of Sailor Saturn. Know
why? Because we didn't get a fraction of this badassery in Sailormoon S, and
I feel like this is Toei making it up to us. Bravo!

And here's another. Know why? Because Codename Sailor Earth cares, that's
why. Go right ahead and enjoy these extra shots! You guys barely had ANY time
with Sailor Saturn in the old anime. She just pointed a Glaive, smiled and
ran off, and we didn't see her again until Super Sailor Moon pulled out an
infant. Here? She's actually DOING something! You Sailor Saturn fans had to
wait 21 years for this moment. Slo-mo it, frame-by-frame
it on Crunchyroll. Drink it in. Enjoy it.

And a close-up shot, there ya go!

Sailor Saturn drops the Glaive……..
Okay, let's talk about Sailor Saturn's attack.

The debate for years has
been about whether or not Sailor Saturn's attack is Death REBORN Revolution
or Death RIBBON Revolution. The argument is that Death REBORN Revolution is a
different attack, made of tiny, blue streaks of light, while Death RIBBON
Revolution is the world ending attack made of ribbons. The problem itself
stems from the actual manga.
On the left is the original
Japanese manga. The middle is Kodansha's English reprint, and the right is
Tokyopop/Mixx/Chix Comix's edition. The attack is
originally written in Kanji and in Katakana. The Kanji just says "Death
World Change" so let's read the Katakana.

De su ri
bo – n Re bo ryu – sho n
The dash can sometimes be read as a long consonant or vowel, in this case,
Tokyopop read it as an "r" sound, as did both Toei and BanDai when they made the S and SuperS fighting games
with Sailor Saturn as a playable character. In those games, her original
voice actress can be heard saying "Death REBORN Revolution" before
a series of blue and white energy waves comes out from her Glaive.

However in most other
translations, including the most recent one from Kodansha, the attack is
Death RIBBON Revolution, which is also the attack Sailor Saturn used in
today's episode of Sailor Moon Crystal. So the questions remains, which is
the right translation?

Removing the – decides whether it should be
"Ribbon" or "Reborn". The fact remains this was put in
there intentionally. It's a pun on the English words "Ribbon" and
"Reborn" in that they sound alike, and both have a meaning to
Sailor Saturn.
Ribbon can be correct, as the attack is made up of
ribbons while Reborn may also be right because after she drops the Glaive and
causes DEATH to all around, REBIRTH takes place almost immediately.
As for the video games? Well Saturn is one of
several characters whose attacks don't look like the anime or manga. In fact,
she never used this attack in the Sailormoon S or Sailor StarS anime shows,
so consider it a freebie. The name is intentionally a pun on Ribbon and
Reborn, so again, both are accurate.
Speaking of Saturn and video
games, her only Sailormoon S transformation never made it to the actual anime.
It was instead used on two video games in Japan. Sailor Moon SuperS: Shin Shuyaku
Soudatsusen for the PlayStation 1, and Sailor Moon SuperS: Various Emotion on
the Sega Saturn. The animation was done by Toei and did feature Hotaru's
original actress, but only the Angel Studios/Bandai games used the sequence.
Even in Sailor StarS, Sailor Saturn never had a televised transformation,
making this episode the first time ever that she's had one. Surprisingly,
Saturn has had a transformation sequence in Crystal before Sailor Pluto,
while in the old anime it was the other way around. Get it together, guys!
Another Sailor Saturn note,
the tiara. In today's episode, it was bright purple, but in the original
anime, it's white. In the manga, her tiara alternates from purple to white
until the Dream Arc, when it becomes a solid purple again. The two left clips
are taken from the SAME picture, so you can see the variation. The white is
supposed to be a shine in most cases, and indicator of when she's using her
forbidden powers in all other cases, but somehow in the original, the
animators just said "fuck it" and kept it white. From now on, it's
purple, and it's purple on most of her merchandise as well.

Also, purple in Japanese
society is considered a sign of privilege and wealth, which makes sense
seeing as how until a few episodes ago, Hotaru could have been considered to
a be rich kid since her father owned the Mugen school and apartments.
However, during the Victorian era, people in Britain wore purple during times
of mourning. This also pertains to Saturn as well… she is the Guardian of

And speaking of wanting to
cry…. Next week is the LAST episode for this season!! I hope the Dream Arc is