Why is episode 200 TV-MA?

The short answer is everything.
On April 11. 2016,
Hulu added the final ever episode of Sailor Moon Sailor StarS.
If you haven't seen
the episode, go to Hulu NOW and
watch it. You owe this to yourself as a Moonie.
And yes, for some reason it does flip flop between TV-14 FV and TV-MA still. Nobody quite knows why the slip, but when you click on the episode, you STILL get the TV-MA warning, meaning the TV-14 rating is the mistake.
But PC and MAC
Moonies were shocked to discover that the above age screen popped up when
they tried to view the episode online. The reason? For the first time ever,
Sailor Moon was given a TV-MA rating. Shockwaves ran through the anime
community, as Anime News Network reported the change via one certain
Codename Sailor Earth. (Yes, in my civillian name.)

In the hours that followed, the episode flip-flopped from TV-MA to TV-14, but
the age warning remained firm, as other episodes of Sailor Moon and Sailor
Moon Crystal all got re-ratings of TV-14 for select episodes, prompting new
or unfamiliar Moonies to question one thing. Why such a harsh rating?
Well let's be clear.
Whether you like it or not, this series was NEVER meant for children.
Yes, Toei ran a
family friendly toyline in the 1990's. But look at the current merchandise. It's
all aimed at ADULTS now.
Yes, DiC, Optimum and
Cloverway dubbed an edited down version for ages 2-11 between 1995 and 2000.
But two of those companies no longer exist, and they never made it to Sailor
But despite all of
this, the series was intended for older audiences, specifically teens and
adults. This is why all of the DVDs come with an Ages 13+ warning as does the

Hulu is aware of this, and not only aired this warning, but also added
adult-only ads for Showtime and www.AdamandEve.com
in sharp contrast to the general "Super Bowl Friendly" ads that
usually air during episodes 1-199 and in contrast to the cheery image on the
Hulu screen.

So what's all the fuss about, you say? Well here's a chronological list of
segments and spots that made the network censors' buttholes pucker shut.
At 2:35, we see Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon,
who is literally a two year old in high heels.

Big deal, there's Toddlers and Tiaras, right? Well Chibi Chibi is the
original toddler in a tiara. But then, if you've been paying attention since
last episode, she's not really two
years old. Okay fine. Moving on.
At 2:45, we see the Starlights.

Okay, so what, right? Well let's be clear. They are three, 16 year old girls
in dominatrix clothing, who are still bloodied and beaten up from the last
episode. Sure, they got the show to stay between TV-PG and TV-14 until now,
but I promise that just like in battle, they simply are NOT helping here.
At 2:48, we see Usagi, naked and very much dead.

Right, so this is a bigger problem. Aside from the fact that it's a super
downer to see the main character dead in a pool of her own shame, we also
have to look at the fact that this is a 16 year old girl. Dead. Nude.

Okay, so Chibi Chibi gives her back her Starseed, and Usagi rises, stops
being dead, and wakes up. All better, right? Well, not really. As Chibi Chibi
becomes Naoko-Takeuchi-Said-it-Wasn't-but-it-really-kinda-is-Sailor-Cosmos
and tells usagi she is the Light of Hope, Usagi still looks like this.

And then at 3:44, Chibi Chibi/Sailor Cosmos turns into a soul butterfly. But
here, take a look. We can SEE it's Sailor Cosmos to a point.

At 4:13, Chibi Chibi turns into her own pink Starseed, and gives Usagi her Princess
Serenity clothes.

And then Chibi Chibi turns into a sword, and tells Princess Serenity to kill
Galaxia by using her as a weapon. The intent is for her own body to be shoved
through Sailor Galaxia.

Let me remind you that less than three minutes ago, Chibi Chibi was a
two-year old in high heels.

Oh, did you think that was a joke? Nope. Above are the actual sketches used
as a guideline for her creation in the manga.
At 4:33, Galaxia tries to break the sword
of Chibi Chibi.

This sends Princess Serenity hurling towards her doom, until Chibi Chibi
helps her sprout angel wings, so she can fly around and not die again. Galaxia
darts for her, misses and flies head first into the pavement below. But don't
worry. That giant, ugly-ass crown and nasty, Aqua Net hair of hers softened
the blow. She's 100% healthy, so Chaos decides to fuse with her body,
becoming Sailor Chaos.
At 7:57, we see a giant blast of blood,
followed by blood dripping down the sword of Chibi Chibi.

By accident while not using the damn sword properly at all, Princess Serenity
accidently stabs Galaxia/Sailor Chaos in the side, prompting more blood.
At 8:22, Sailor Chaos breaks the sword of
Chibi Chibi. As a direct result, Chibi Chibi dies, a bloody mess.

Okay, seriously?? Even the manga wasn't this grim. Chibi Chibi lives, but
here? NOPE! We just let this anime bloody and kill the toddler in heels.
WTF?? Even the Starlights are having a WTF moment.

At 9:15, Usagi decides to honor Chibi
Chibi's memory... by disrobing?!

Well for once, Sailor Chaos and I have the exact same reaction. Usagi's
Princess Serenity transformation ends due to Chibi Chibi dying, so she's just...
naked... with wings.

Okay, you "can" make the argument that it's the same as an
undressed Barbie doll, but you know what? I don't care. And neither did Hulu.
At 10:00, Sailor Chaos tries to stab Usagi.
Then at 10:54 this happens.

The full Monty. With wings.
At 11:45, Usagi gets electrocuted.

Electrocuted in mid air, and she's still sans clothing. She continues to fry
until 12:29, almost a full minute of her being zapped. OUCH!! And yet she was
still able to talk about love and friendship while having every last orifice
nuked. And I bet you can't even sit through a hangnail ripping without
At 13:29, Usagi brings out the souls of the
dead. Wait, what?

Usagi can see into the soul of Galaxia. So she reaches out to her inner good
self, thus bringing out all of the Starseeds of the dead. Essentially, every
seed is a dead person. And if you watched the last four episodes, I can
PROMISE you that although they're not drawn, her parents and little brother
are among them. And likely all of her friends, classmates, teachers and most
certainly Luna and Artemis. Why? Because Galaxia killed everybody on planet
Earth, except for the Starlights and Usagi... okay, Usagi too, but she's alive
right now, so who cares. Galaxia also killed everyone in the whole universe
up to this point, so you can imagine that even the souls of the manga-only
Guardians are here too. And definitely the Amazoness Quartet. And the Black
Moon/Specter Sisters because you know, they didn't die off in R like they did
in Crystal. So yeah, even people Usagi doesn't even know are here. OH! And
all of Chibiusa's classmates? Their seeds are here too. The longer you stare
at this picture, the more people pop into your head and the more disturbing
this whole thing gets. And guess what? You can't unthank it. Ha ha.
At 14:52, Chaos dies via… um..

Yeah, I'm not even joking. Usagi holds Sailor Chaos's hand. This causes Chaos
to disperse alive and become vapor, leaving Galaxia alive. In the manga, Galaxia
disintegrates when she tries to reach for Usagi, but here, it's totally
different. But by now you've learned this ain't like the manga, so moot
point. Still, what a weak way for the biggest villain in the series to die,
am I right?
At 14:45 Galaxia is now naked too.

By the way. Galaxia's age is never really given. But it's been said she's
somewhere between 16-18 years old at least. The general idea leans towards
16. Either way, she's in the sky. Naked. Among the souls of the dead. And
Usagi. Also naked.
At 15:55, Usagi tells Galaxia, who actually
does not have wings, to start her life over and return all of the Starseeds.

Galaxia agrees, and turns into a pillar of light. Some argue this means
Galaxia dies but it happens in such a cheerful way that people think it's
just her teleporting. Me? I kinda like the whole "*Smile* Now DIE bitch,
Tee Hee! Sailor Moooon SayS!"
Ending, but then I never liked Galaxia anyway. So there. Nyah.
At 16:14, Usagi says a prayer to her dead
friends and admits to being lonely.

Also, she seems to have only ONE butt cheek left.
At 16:40, Sailor Mercury, Mars, Venus,
Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn decide they're all done being
dead, and they hover around Usagi, flying without wings.

In case you're curious, Usagi, Rei, Ami, Minako and Makoto are all 16 years
old, roughly. Uranus and Neptune are 16-17 years old by this point. Setsuna
has no given age, but is fresh out of college in her civilian life. Hotaru is
12-13 here, but in the body of a 10 year old, because Toei didn't follow the
manga. I'll let you sit with that a minute.

And Usagi is just so happy right now, she is totally willing to forget that
like three episodes ago, Haruka and Michiru savagely killed their adopted
daughter Hotaru and their roommate Setsuna in cold blood and without any
reason. And you know what? Not only is Usagi totally fine with that, Hotaru and
Setsuna are too. Or so it seems. Yeah, yuck it up Haruka. There's a state-run
care facility in your future, if child services doesn't get you first. See,
this is what happens when you let high school kids adopt tweens. The lesson?
Stop trying to act grown up. Go get something pierced like a normal high
school girl.

How does Usagi poo with no butt??
At 17:15, Mamoru as Prince Endymion and
Chibi Chibi also return from the dead.

He totally doesn't bother asking who the kid is, is it his, you said you were
on the pill, why are you naked, who the hell is Seiya, are you Bi-curious,
when did you sprout wings and are we SURE we know where the little one came
from? And in return, Usagi doesn't chew his ass out for up and leaving her to
go to New York at the start of the most deadly season of the series. Fair?

He instead decides to tell her she's very brave. So she gives him a naked
hug. While he's holding the two year old.

She decides she's had QUITE enough of this, so she floats away.

And I'm not convinced the kid even has a diaper on.
At 18:01, we see that the bloodied
Starlights are um... well... still doing NOTHING of value, except starring at
Usagi being naked among destroyed buildings.

And now that it's daylight again, you can spot all the bloodstains on the
buildings! Blood turns brown when it dries, Didja know? Well it's all good.
Kakyuu decides to stop being dead as well.
At 18:35, Mamoru (a college student by the
way) and the others head to the high school to say goodbye to the Starlights
and Princess Kakyuu. At 18:53, Luna wishes Yaten well, and Artemis figures
out Luna has been unfaithful. Nothing like bestiality and infidelity
references, right?

Seiya nips off a quip to Mamoru, after Usagi puts her in the permanent Friendzone.
I'm sure you'll all love Seiya's charming language.

At 22:13, we see 16 year old Usagi kiss her
19 year old fiancée.

And I'm sure that's perfectly legal, right?
At 23:20 for NO GOOD REASON AT ALL we get
this shot:
