
Printable Board Games

Here are the instructions for playing each of the below games: Rules

Badiyannu Game
Beryl Game
Chibi Moon Game
Galaxia Game
Mistress 9 Game
Nehellenia Game
Parallel Sailormoon Game
Zirconia Game

Computer Games
Downloadable Sailormoon Games, made by talented Moonies worldwide!
(NOTE: I did NOT make these, unless I note otherwise.)

Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon Colorforms ~ Made by a talented Moonie, just unzip the game file, and double-click on the Colorforms .exe icon to play. When the game starts, enter your name, and you’re ready to play! Usagi, Mamoru, Luna, Artemis, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako are on the second page of shapes.

Sailormoon Solitaire ~ The classic 1996 game made by KatC, features Sailormoon R, S and SuperS BanDai trading cards as the playing cards.

Super Sailor Saturn/Hotaru Tomoe Calculator ~ Made by TuxedoMK, this is a simple calculator. Just hit the “Esc” key on your keyboard to shut it off. Perfect mini study buddy for all of your math problems!