This kawaii award is given to those whom pass the Chibiusa Moonie Quiz.
This is also a great page to visit, and has a very good amount of Chibiusa

This charming gift came from The Oracle's "Which Kitty
are you" game. I am closest to Artemis.
Which one are you? This one's FUN!

This sweet gift came from The
Oracle's "Which Inner Senshi are you" quiz. I am closest to
Usagi, mother of Chibiusa and Kousagi. (How neat! HA HA!!) Which Inner are
Are you a True Sailor Moonie?(beware,
Japanese names are used)

>CONGRATULATIONS! You're a true Moonie! Your knowledge could even rival
mine! Way to go! Be proud!>Take this quiz!> > Quizilla | Join | Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code
This Cosmically cute trinket came as a prize for acing
this manga quiz! YAY!!
Bishojo prize came from the "Are you ready to be a Soldier of
Justice" quiz through Neo Nobility! Many thanks!!
Stunning prize came from Neo Nobility for passing the Ultimate manga Quiz!
This cool
award came from beating one of the hardest tests ever! I had to backtrack
through my tapes of the North American dub of Sailormoon to get the last
question. But it was SO VERY worth it. A HUGE THANK YOU to the owner of The Oracle for this tough but
can't miss quiz that was fun!!
graceful gift came from beating the Moonlit Dreams Hard Quiz. The name is no
joke either, the questions were a mix of DiC and Toei trivia, and I found
myself almost stumped at the last one.
one was kinda neat. What sort of room would you have? ^_^
cute giftie came from acing the How Much Do You Love Chibiusa quiz. This quiz
was funny!
stamp was awarded to me for acing the Chibiusa and Helios Quiz from the site
In The Name Of The Moon.
This quiz was HARD!
Sailor Scout are you?

Sailor Scout are you?

Sailor Scout are you? Huh? I
suppose I'm having an identity crisis. For fun, I usually take the same quiz
about 3 times, and today I came back as 3 different people, instead of one.
I'm weird! ^_^ Still, if you're a TRUE Sailormoon fan, then you can't help
but love this one! You'll probably have a more stable score than I. As for
Codename Sailor Earth? Well, Iiiiii'm every woman!! (Sings loudly)
Which Sailor Moon Manga Character are
>You are Sailor Moon! AKA: Usagi Tsukino.
The Soldier of purity and justice, you are kind heated. Although you may
sometimes act afraid, when the going gets tough, you face your fears and save
your friends.>Take this quiz!
Sailor Moon Manga Character are you?
are Sailor Chibimoon! AKA: Chibi-usa. The soldier of the future moon and
protector of the Imperium crystal, you are either loved or hated, there is no
middle ground. Some people adore you, while others find you annoying. You
like to be the center of attention, but you sometimes overstep the bounds. Be
careful, and you'll make lot's of friends!>Take this quiz!
Yep, I'm little miss multiple personalities, ain't I? ^_^ But still, this is
another FUN quiz that I very much recommend. I found it by reading a post on http://www.gothic.net/.
Bishojo gem game from Full Moon Over
Crystal Tokyo's Sailormoon Purity test. I scored 80%, meaning that I'm
Sailormoon crazy enough to have this ever growing website, yet sane enough to
realize it's just an awesome manga/anime series. (And that the real Sailor
Senshi aren't gonna greet me in public.)
striking giftie came from Neo
Nobility's Sailor Eyes Quiz. There are three that were tricky for me, but
shockingly I beat it on the first time! Very nice.
pretty portrait came from Neo
Nobility's Blurry Quiz. This one was kinda tough! It's easier if you are
wearing good glasses, or otherwise have clear vision. Play it sober too!
oddity came from Neo
Nobility's Sailor Fuku quiz. I can't believe I won!! Some of the pics
were too easy, but then two of them were so hard, I just made a random guess.
I can't believe I got it!!
one came from Neo Nobility's
Which Sailor Quartet are you quiz. I'm closest to Juno! That's so cool, I
love all four of course, but Jun Jun and Palla Palla have always been my top
two. ^_^
one came from Neo Nobility's
Planet Senshi Quiz. I'm closest to Sailor Moon!
Chibiusa isn't the only person who can time travel! ^.^ Heh...
one came from Neo Nobility's
Talisman quiz. I hold the Garnet Orb, the ONLY one that didn't require an
anime death for an Outer Senshi to get out, YAY!!
hope it comes up this time, since the first try I mistyped something! This
was from beating the Neo
Nobility Weapons quiz.
I'm so many people sometimes, it should probably scare you. o_O He he! I
kept hitting the same buttons, and I wound up as several different people.
Nobility's cat quiz says I am most like Diana! Which one are you?