Sailor Elysion Moon
Princess Elysion Serenity
Name: Elysion Serenity
Alias: Ellys, Chibi Chibi Chibi, Elysion-chan
Age: 23 (Appears 10 or 13)
Height: 5'4 as a Pegasus, 4’0 as a human
Parallel Birth Date: June 30th 2020
30th Century Birth Date: June 30th 2923
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Hair Color: Pink
Eye Color: Blue
General Body Description: Short, pixie like
Place of Origin: Elysion Crystal Palace
Personality: Bubbly, naive
Phobia: Dark places
Favorite Food: Cookies
Favorite Colors: Pink and Blue
Other Favorites: Toys, candy, Senshi Training, Time Travel
Dislikes: Snooty People
Strengths: Can time travel with ease, is easy trusting
Weaknesses (Physical): Allergic to Pegasus fur
Weaknesses (Element): Darkness
Senshi/Knight Title: Sailor Elysion Moon
Element of Influence: Light/Dreams
Planet/Star (Origin): Earth
Gemstone (What Gem is on his/her outfit?): Moonstone, although her fuku is
adorned with Dream Mirrors.
Henshin Item: Locket
Transformation Phrase: Elysion Crystal Power MAKE-UP!!!
Transformation (what does it look like?): Pale blue with pink and yellow
starbursts fly past as Elysion spins. She curls up into a ball, spinning, then
flails out her arms and legs, her boots and fuku on. Magically, her tiara,
collar and gloves appear, and finally her hair decorations, and mirror gems
appear. She does a classic victory pose, ala her grandmother, Sailor Moon.
Fuku/Outfit: Her fuku is cornflower blue, with a near-purple sheen. The bows
are red, and tiny dream mirrors appear in lieu of the traditional hearts. The
mirrors are golden, with pink or blue bows. She has cornflower blue boots cut
straight across like Kousagi but with only one white band instead of two.
Gloves are elbow cut with blue bands. Tiara also has a mirror. The head
accessories are just like Chibi Moon's but sometimes a tuft of her hair is tied
with a blue bow in the back.
Looks (does he/she look physically different when he/she transforms?): Her hair
sometimes turns white when she transforms, and also when she uses her powers,
her eyes turn gold.
Attack: Crystal STRIKE!! ~ Her eyes turn gold, and she uses a small gold wand
to summon a golden beam. The beam splits into 7 colors, then form a white
burst, hitting the enemy.
After Kousagi becomes Sailor Parallel Moon, the last child of Chaos enters
Earth. The Senshi fight hard, but ultimately have to use the Golden Crystal to
weaken the enemy. Helios is summoned, and Chibiusa, Kousagi and Usagi combine
their powers to defeat the evil once and for all.
Helios remembers the 30th Century version of Chibiusa he last saw, and has no
clue that the Chibiusa Kousagi calls One-chan isn't the same girl. But this
Chibiusa does fall in love with Helios anyway.
After Chibiusa graduates college four years ahead of her peers, she runs away
to Elysion and marries Helios. Nine months later, they have a child, Princess
Elysion Serenity.
Elysion Serenity is nicknamed "Chibi Chibi Chibi" by Kousagi, and can
turn into a Pegasus. It is said that when she becomes one with her own ability,
the Pegasus within her will split off and become her pet.
Chibiusa and Helios rule over 30th Century Elysion, while Chibiusa still
maintains her status as crown princess of Crystal Tokyo, where her mother and
father still rule.
Elysian’s teacher is Michiru. Elysion first goes to the past to finish a
history report on Senshi, but after this she is sent back by Chibiusa, so she
can train to be a great Sailor Senshi.
Family Tree:
Great Grandparents: Queen Serenity, Ikuko and Kenji
Grandparents: Usagi and Mamoru
Parents: Helios and Chibiusa
Siblings: Elios (Younger Brother), Chibios (Younger Hermaphrodite Sibling)
(Begged Mom and Dad forever for them!)
Great Uncle: Shingo
Aunt: Kousagi
Future Husband: Kokuo Tomoe (Hotaru's son)
Future Daughter: Princess Maiden Serenity (Sailor Silence Moon)
Future Granddaughter: Princess Otome Serenity Tomoe (Sailor Chibi Silence Moon)
Godparents: Setsuna, Earth, Hotaru
Gaia Family:
Elysion Serenity (Sister! Actually my AU self, but I call her sister.)
Mizuki Tsukino (Kousagi's daughter with Uncle Peruru)
GS Black Mask (Uncle)
GS Chibi Galaxia (Aunt!)
GS Sailor Pegasus (Usagi's sister!)
Emily Kunzite (Grandma)
Emo Chibiusa (AU Mama, through her I have four more siblings: Triplets: Elysion
{me}, Sorako, Serena and a little brother: Chikyu)
Gaia pets: Bealzabobblez (Dog) and Sonic (boy toy)
For a while, I lived with Sonic, who's a human like hedgehog. We lived together
in Tokyo for quite some time, but after he met Kokuo, I moved out. I live with
Chibiusa, Kousagi and Usagi part time, and the other part I live with Kokuo
while he's in the past. Sometimes, Kokuo and I will spend time at Sonic's place
overnight, and I'll have them both be my princes of the night, but Sonic gets
jealous so easily..
I still love him, and I think he still loves me. I’ll keep him after all.
Kokuo’s a freak like me too and I think Kokuo crushes on Sonic too. I’m a
princess of two kingdoms, future queen of three after all, so I can have two
husbands if I want. Or.. man pets like Earth-obasan. I think those kids she has
are the kids she bore with her pets, but because she was in stasis each time,
we might never know.
Oh yeah, about Kokuo...
At some point in the REALLY far away future (Like near the end of the 30th
century) I am supposed to meet Kokuo Tomoe and at some point we have a child,
Sailor Silence Moon:
From time to time, you might see Kokuo and Chibi Maiden on my avatar. They
time travel too. Kokuo has a message for me, but he wants to wait for the right
time. How about after I figure out why I'M in the past?
a... kid mother?
My daughter grows rapidly, the exact opposite of Mama and I, and before I even
figure out which grade school she goes to, she becomes an adult, and has a
daughter of her own, Otome!
So now I'm a kid mommy AND a kid grandma too?? I'm still in school, I can't be
a granny yet!! : I'm old before I'm young. But that's time travel for ya. Kokuo doesn't
seem to care that he's a grandfather already, but he treats Otome as well as he
does Maiden, so that's okay. (Maiden-chan,
who is Otome's father?) I wonder if I'm a good mother to Maiden, but it
might be too late to ask. Or early. Wait, we're not born yet are we? *Checks
calendar* This is twisted. Maiden isn't married yet, so I wonder who Otome's
dad is.
No. Sonic isn’t that vindictive… is he?
(: what did my daughter grow into??) Maiden travels separately from Kokuo, so
sometimes she's a kid and sometimes I see her all grown up. I hope she's not in
a time loop again. I hate those.
Kokuo takes me to school sometimes. He's so focused on the future me that he
doesn't really mind all that much. It's strange to hold hands with someone when
you're still wearing pigtails. In my timeline, Hotaru lives kinda far from us,
so I didn't know Kokuo existed until he found me at Grandma's house in th'
past. (Alternate universe maybe?)
But other than that, I'm starting to like it in the past. Everyone babies me,
and it makes me feel loved.