Episode 3
Act 3:
Rei – Sailor Mars
Airdate: August 2, 2014
Instead of relying on his usual clay Youma, Jadeite instead
decides to handle business himself today, by running the Demon Bus. Jadeite is much stronger than his original anime counterpart.
Like Sailor Mercury, he can freeze his opponents solid. He can fire ice beams
and has no problem seeing through Mercury's mists. He can fly very fast,
teleport, and open up portals to anywhere he chooses. |
Rei is a 14 year old shrine
maiden/priestess/Miko at Sendai Hill. She lives with her grandfather and her
two crows, Phobos and Deimos, the latter of which later reveal themselves to
be her personal Guardians, just as Luna is to Usagi. In the manga, it's revealed in the
Casablanca Memory story that Rei's mother died when she was roughly five
years old. Rei's father is a politician who does not spend any time with her. Unlike her manga and old anime
incarnations, both of whom are brash around Usagi, this version of Rei is
shy, quiet and pretty darn loveable. Although Rei is a Shinto
priestess, she attends T.A. Private Girls Academy, which is run entirely by
Catholic Nuns. Mii-chan is a cute little girl first seen in the manga. She is abducted while on her way home from the shrine, and her mother blames Rei for Mii's disappearance. |
Total Guardians: |
Today's episode starts where Queen Beryl is reaming
Jadeite a new one for the last two episodes worth of failures. Nephrite and
Zoicite appear, each trying to prove they can outdo Jadeite. But all three of
the guys ask Queen Beryl what the Silver Crystal even is and why do they need
to get it. Beryl replies that it's the source of all power. She encourages
the three to forget about it for now, and focus on taking down their enemies. We then see a shot of Rei by the fire. She knows shit's
about to get real. After the theme song, we see little Mii-chan waiving to
Rei as she heads for the bus home. This bleeds into a scene where Umino is
talking to Kuri, Yumiko and Naru about the Demon Bus, which has been
transporting people from Sendai to what he thinks is Hell. Meanwhile, Luna
has snuck into school again, and is trying to wake Usagi from an afternoon
nap. She reminds her that they need to see Ami, but Usagi is enjoying her
nap. So Luna tells her it's time to hit the arcade, and Usagi peps right up. While Usagi plays the Codename Sailor V game, Luna
coaxes Ami, who is still reeling from the last episode. Luna tells her they
need to find and protect the princess and the Silver Crystal. While she's
giving her this talk, Usagi beats the game and earns a set of communicators
for she and Ami. Ami invites Usagi onto the bus to cram school with her,
and tells here about a beautiful girl she sees from T.A. Academy riding the
bus in the late afternoon. Luna notes that the bus is coming from Sendaizaka,
remembering the gossip Umino was spreading about it earlier, but she
dismisses the clear and obvious sign. Once on the bus, Usagi gets a good look
at this mysterious girl Ami was telling her all about….. and then Usagi goes
Bi for a minute. Well seeing the shrine through the window lets Rei know
it's time to get off. Usagi decides to get off with her, just to get a better
look. As they walk down the street, Luna yells at Usagi for getting off too
early and ditching Ami, but Usagi shrugs it off, since she has free time
anyway. Usagi and Luna end up at the shrine, just as Rei is
sensing evil approaching. Fearing the worst, she runs out and throws her
demon purging scroll at an unsuspecting Usagi, who is being pecked by Phobos
and Deimos. Usagi falls over, as Rei realizes her mistake. Rei apologizes profusely, as Usagi looks her over. Rei
thinks to herself how strange it is that Phobos and Deimos would attack
anybody, then she notices a few women saying a prayer. One of them is Mii's
mother. She relays the news to Rei that Mii is missing, but before they can
go further, the other two women hurry Mii's mom off of the shrine, talking
shit about Rei like she isn’t standing right freaking there. Usagi sees the
hurt look in Rei's eyes. Rei tells Usagi about Mii always coming to play
while waiting for the bus, and tells her the story of the Demon Bus. The next day, Usagi hears gossip about a student from
her school who just went missing on the same bus. Usagi is running track as
the gossip spreads about the bus and the shrine. As the gossip increases, Usagi tells Luna that she
wants to go back to see Rei. Luna agrees, thinking Rei is the Moon Princess.
Right. Because we all know a chick with purple hair looks just like a yellow
haired princess from 1000+ years ago. SHE'S THE SMART ONE, FOLKS!!! On the buss, Usagi muses about how many cram schools
Ami attends. Luna reminds Usagi about the communicator, and then realizes TOO
LATE that Mamoru is sitting right freaking next to them. Mamoru accuses Usagi
of talking to herself. When she asks him if he's a junior high student, he
shows her his card: Usagi calms down a bit, and tries to make small talk by
mentioning the Demon Bus. As Mamoru acknowledges that he's heard of it, her
heart begins to pound. Well, the longer she stares at him, the more she has
the hots for him, and since she can't figure out how to deal with that yet,
she must now rub her face on a cat. Rei consults the fires, only to see an image of jadeite
kidnapping Usagi. Usagi is wondering around in the dark, bumping into
things and crying. Luna and Ami develop a software that would allow them to
put a GPS tracker on Usagi's transformation…… meaning that she has to get
naked and transform for them to find her. Perverted much? Jadeite is caressing Rei's cheek. He muses that
although he's never seen her before, he's got a thing for her. That night, Rei is sitting on a sidewalk by the bus
stop, waking up Mii-chan. Police are everywhere, as all of the kidnapped kids
are set free, back to their parents. Mii's mother hugs her, and totally
ignores Rei. Sheesh, not even an apology, but Rei doesn't care. She has new
friends, and Mii is safe. Somewhere in the distance at an airport, photographers
are going nuts for a certain jewelry box…… |
the very first time, Usagi has transformed into the exact same outfit using
the Luna Pen, at the same time, for both anime shows and the manga, albeit in
a situation where slight changes were still made. In
today's episode, her uniform is done in a sailor style, complete with a lapel
and navy inspired coat with yellow buttons. Her tight skirt is almost
mid-thigh length. Here, she has a giant blue bow, while in the first anime,
it was a red bow with a yellow stripe. This is followed by a very tiny hat,
just between her Odango, though again, we have a slight change. In this
episode, the wings on her cap are tiny, and behind them rests a dark blue
sash, while in the old anime, the wings are less angelic and more
butterfly-like, and they rest upon a thick, red sash. In all three
incarnations, Usagi's hair is kept Chibi Chibi short, with tight, wispy curls
coming loose in all the right places. She is wearing a white, buttoned
undershirt beneath the navy jacket, and the outfit is finished off with
blue-black pumps ~ and boy can she actually RUN in them heels! |
me back to the Battle Record!
me to the next episode!
me back to the last episode!
Follow me back to Moon Sisters!