Usagi and Mamoru are the Parents of
Chibiusa and Kousagi. When they first met, it was anything but love at first
site. Usagi thought Mamoru cold and bitter and he thought her whiny and too
much of a crybaby. But isn't it amazing how destiny, patience and evil
bitches and bastards with a desperate need for a hobby can melt even the
coldest of hearts? In a past life, they were Prince Endymion of Earth and
Princess Serenity of the Moon. Desperately in love, they we're torn apart by
war and Chaos. Later, they would be reborn and would find each other again,
and the manga shows how they evolve from bitter enemies to passionate lovers.
The couple wed in 1997.
Usagi Tsukino
Birth Name: Serenity Tsukino
Alias: Bunny, Serena, Usa-ko
Senshi Names: Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon
Age: 14-16 In the normal series, 31 in Parallel Sailormoon
Birthday: June 30, 1981
Birthstone: Pearl
Western Astrological Sign: Cancer
Astrological Planet: The Moon
Chinese Astrological Sign: Metal Rooster
Height: 4'8 in Season One, 4'10 Sailormoon R-SuperS, 4'11 in StarS,
& between 4'11 and 5'3 as Neo Queen Serenity. (She's a growing girl.)
Favorite Food: Ice Cream, Cake and Pudding
North American Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Ice Cream
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Color(s): Pink and White
Favorite School Subject: Home Economics
Least Favorite School Subjects: Math, English
Hobbies: Eating, sleeping, video games, manga
Hates: Dentists, Ghosts, Monsters, Losing everyone she loves, Surprise
Tests in School
Talents: Brown Nosing, Whining, Crying, Saving the Universe. Loyalty
Dream: To be Mamoru's Bride
Kingdom(s): The Silver Millennium, Crystal Tokyo
Blood Type: O
North American Favorite Animal: Bunny Rabbit
Mamoru Chiba
Alias: Mamo-chan, Darien Shields, Endymion
Senshi Names: Tuxedo Mask, (Sir) Moonlight Knight
Age: 17-20 in the normal series, 34 in Parallel Sailormoon
Birthday: August 3, 1977
Birthstone: Peridot
Western Astrological Sign: Leo
(The 3D Adventures of Sailor Moon CD-ROM incorrectly says Cancer.)
Astrological Planet: The Sun
Chinese Astrological Sign: Fire Snake
Height: 5'6-5'8 throughout the series.
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Favorite North American Food: Curry
Favorite Color(s): Black and Blue
Favorite School Subject: Physics
Likes: Listening to music, Reading, seeing Usagi happy/teasing her
Hates: Needles, Seeing Girls Cry
Talents: Debating
Dream: To protect Earth with Usagi
Kingdom(s): The Golden Kingdom, Crystal Tokyo
Blood Type: A

Naoko intended to have the Diana Fairy greet the Senshi when they went to the
Moon, but she instead opted for Queen Serenity to do the honors.
Queen Serenity was a fair Queen who ruled with an iron fist, she
single-handedly destroyed Queen Metallia's original forces and with her last
breath, sent Princess Serenity and her court to the future, to live a happy
She is seen in only three episodes of the anime. In episode 35, she appears
with blonde hair, but in all of her other appearances; she has pale
white-pink, white-lavender or white-silver hair. The Materials Collection
artbook lists her body age at 18, since after having contact with the Silver
Crystal, a person gains a long lifespan, and stops aging at one point.
However, the anime has her looking slightly more mature, closer to her early
or mid twenties.
In act 12 of the manga and episode 51 of the anime, Queen Serenity's soul
returns to give Usagi a new compact, the Crystal Star Compact, which has on
it a star shaped map of what later becomes Crystal Tokyo of the 30th Century.
In the anime, Queen Serenity also gave Sailor Moon the Cutie Moon Rod, and in
the manga, she bestowed upon Sailor Pluto her duty as Guardian of the Time Door,
and also gave Pluto, Uranus and Neptune their castles.
Her memory and or spirit reside in a
computer on the Moon, eager to see the day her daughter now reborn may take
the throne with her lover at her side.
Diana Fairy was meant to debut during the early part of the manga, but was
cast aside during production. This little Moon Fairy was said to have been
playful, talkative yet fragile. It is also mentioned that she would not have
gotten along with Luna very well. Residing within the ruins of the original
site of the Silver Millennium, Moon Fairy Diana exists between the pages of
the Materials Collection and the first Nayakashi Anime Album for Sailormoon
season one.


Usagi's Earth family is rarely seen in the
manga. And they wouldn't want it any other way. The trio consisting of
Usagi's mother Ikuko, father Kenji and little brother Shingo don't seem to
mind when Usagi goes out until all hours. They love her, but find her rather
spoiled and childish. In the anime, Ikuko is rather abusive towards Usagi,
and is fond (in the first episode) of tossing her out of the house if she
doesn't get good grades. Shingo is no better! He hates that Usagi is his sister
and that she's a crybaby. And Kenji only views his daughter as either a child
or a whore, depending on the episode. Regardless, Usagi still loves her
family and fights hard to protect them.
The three Tsukinos have no idea that Usagi is Sailor Moon, a princess, nor do
they have any idea that Chibiusa is actually Usagi and Mamoru's daughter.
They are easily brainwashed, which Chibiusa and Chibi Chibi use to their
advantage. Chibiusa can pose as Usagi's cousin, and Chibi Chibi can pose as
Usagi and Shingo's younger sister, though the two disguises are false.

Kenji works as a magazine reporter and photographer, and the only man he
seems to see as fit for his eldest child is Umino. (Melvin) Usagi may have
gotten her funny, outrageous behavior from her father, as Kenji is prone to
mood swings of the comical variety. Kenji doesn't cook, but tries to help out
by buying groceries. The anime has him with dark reddish brown hair and deep
dark brown eyes, while his hair almost appears black in the manga.

Ikuko is 36 years old near the end of Sailormoon SuperS, making her either 19
or 20 when Usagi was born. In the manga Casablanca Memory, it is hinted that
Ikuko had an ill ending love with someone else, before meeting Kenji. Ikuko
is a stay at home mom, who is good at cooking, but in the anime, it is
mentioned that she doesn't sew, a trait passed down to Usagi. Unlike Kenji,
Ikuko is open minded to the idea of Usagi having a relationship, and welcomes
Mamoru into the family.
Her original hair color is pink, and her eyes red or pink, though the anime
has her with purple or blue hair, and brown eyes. Some art done for the manga
even have Ikuko and Usagi with brown hair and green or blue eyes, but red
eyes pink hair is their natural coloring. Hence Chibiusa and Kousagi's
appearances. Her dream is to see Usagi and Chibiusa marry well one day.

Shingo's age varies by episode, movie and even issue of the manga! Initially,
there was a five year age gap between Usagi and Shingo, making him 9 when she's
14, and 10 when she's 15. However, in some episodes of Sailormoon SuperS, he
is 12 years old. Shingo goes to the same elementary school as Chibiusa (Jyuuban
Municipal Primary), and is sometimes in the same classes as her. To make his
age more confusing, the Sailormoon R movie features a 3 year old Usagi, the
day Shingo is born! In any case, Shingo is often times bratty, and his
parents don't show any interest in scolding him. Shingo therefore gets away
with alot of his bad behavior, but at times can be a good boy. His two
biggest crushes in the anime were Mika and Ami, the latter of which was based
more on respect. His closest friend appears to be his niece Chibiusa, as they
share tips on taunting Usagi in the anime. Shingo is annoyed by Usagi's
existence, but when times get tough, he often looks to his big sister for
comfort. He even gets scared of losing her when she seemingly disappears. In
the dubbed anime, Shingo's name was changed to Sammy, and in Smile's Sailor
Moon Novel #6, his name is changed yet again to Samuel Alexander Tsukino.
Shingo's coloring has had him with light yellow, dark blonde and once even
green hair, and his eyes vary between green and blue.

Little is known about Mamoru's parents,
aside from the fact that their only child was their world. Seen for only one
panel, Mamoru's mother and father are described as caring, loving people. On
Mamoru's sixth birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Chiba (or Mr. & Mrs. Shields) were
unfortunately killed in a car accident, leaving Mamoru the last member of his
family. He suffered from severe amnesia throughout most of his life, and grew
up alone in various hospitals and orphanages (depending upon the episode),
until he was old enough to financially care for himself. It was around this
time that he began to have recurring dreams of either Queen Serenity, or her
daughter, Princess Serenity (again, depending upon the episode) urging him to
find the Silver Imperium Crystal, with the promise of his finding his
memories. Though his childhood was now lost, his journey would eventually
lead him to Usagi, and subsequently to the birth of his daughters, Chibiusa
and Kousagi.
Though their appearances within the manga,
and the first 2 seasons of Sailormoon are limited to the memory of their
demise, Mamoru's vague memory of their affection was a constant reminder,
that he really wasn't alone, and that no matter what the situation, he will
always be loved.