few important notes before we move on.

First of all, do you see the cute picture of Sailor Cosmos and Sailor Chibi
Moon? Well Marco Albiero
drew the two of them. I (Codename Sailor Earth) made the background myself
and then brightened Cosmos and Chibi Moon.
the Sera Myu production photos and the Sailor Chibiusa Moon photo belong to Miss Dream but all of the photos of
Cosmos and Chibiusa together in the play are my own screencaps.
Third, all other official scans come from the original, official Sailor Moon
art books and graphic novels. The sticker sheet comes from the latter.
now that the credits are out of the way, let's talk. So if you've been
following Moon Sisters for a while now, then you know a few things.
1. You already know who
Chibi Chibi is, so I don't have to bring it up again.
2. You do know who Sailor
Cosmos is, so I don't have the "yeah but" circus coming to
3. You know Moon Sisters was almost devoted to Chibiusa & Chibi Chibi only.
4. This site is severely lacking in Sera Myu information as of 01/17/2018.
that last part is because I live in America, and getting a hold of these
plays has been a complete and utter nightmare. Most were released onto VHS
tapes between 1992 and 2001 with the newer plays being released on region
locked Blu-Ray and DVDs at unrealistic prices, so if not for those of you
engaging in illegal bootlegging on YouTube, I wouldn't see anything live
action Sailor Moon at all, unless it was a fan production. But this leads me
to two more points.
5. You know that I refuse to have anything
to do with the live action TV drama PGSM because Toei flat out lied in the
ads and claimed it was a direct adaptation of the anime, and because in under
40 episodes, they managed to ruin almost every character except for Jupiter,
Artemis, Rei and a select number of villains, and they added in characters
that did not belong there.
6. You also know that I am way more lenient on Sera Myu because they have
always been up front about the fact that these plays exist in their own
universes, sort of as alternate universe tales.
that said, let's take a look at this amazing story.

The Sera Myu
play La Movement Final, is a loose
adaptation of the StarS Arc of the manga. Like all of the plays, this one
takes liberties with the story, by eliminating the Amazoness Quartet
(GRRR!!), Lethe, Mnemosyne (GRRR again!!), Heavy Metal Papillion (GRR come
on!!), and Phi and Chi. (Well… alright fine.) Princess Kakyuu is severely
limited (GRR!!), and only Sailor Moon gains her eternal transformation, since
nobody else did during the Dream Arc play. (GRR WTF??) While these glaring
omissions really anger me, this play like the others gets a pass, because
once again, this is an alternate universe from the manga.
what a universe!
near the end of the play, everyone is dead except for Eternal Sailor Moon,
Super Sailor Chibi Moon and Sailor Chibi Chibi Moon, which makes no sense,
seeing as how in the manga, the instant Mamoru was cast into the Cauldron,
Chibiusa phased out of existence. But somehow, she's been stabilized, so I'll
run with it for now. So if you read the page I did on Sailor Cosmos, then you
kinda know what happens next. Chibi Chibi is distraught, and Eternal Sailor
Moon finds a way through her tears to encourage her, letting her know that
she isn't going to quit now against Chaos. As long as we have our crystals,
there is hope after all, and Chibi Chibi seems to understand. She suddenly
disappears in the darkness surrounding The Cauldron, and reemerges as Sailor

Giving Eternal Sailor Moon a hug, she confirms that the decision she made
here (I'll get to that) wasn't the wrong one, and finally gains courage.
Sailor Moon calls forth the power to defeat Chaos, and the Starseeds of her
dead comrades appear. As their souls thank her and offer their support,
Sailor Moon jumps into The Cauldron, taking Chaos with her as the two
collapse into nothing.

Why the fuck is Chibiusa still here?? Both of your parents in the past are
DEAD now, shouldn't you fade into super sparkly nothingness??? Okay okay. I
did say I was going to let this giant, obvious flaw go. Fine fine. Let's move

Okay. So everyone is now just one person. And they're alive. Ah.. okay, I can
actually see where that would work. Alright. Moving on.

Now here's the twist. In the manga, Sailor Cosmos comes from a future, but
alternate universe in which Usagi ran away from the last fight with Chaos,
and as a result, everyone not named Usagi died, turning her into Sailor
Cosmos and having her wonder around space for a good while. But here, we have
a way different spin.

The play version of Sailor Cosmos is actually from the same timeline as
Usagi, but from a future waaaaaaaay past the 30th
Century where Chibiusa came from. In her timeline, Usagi has been reborn more
than once, as have all of the other Sailor Guardians and Mamoru. They've been
reincarnated, sometime after Crystal Tokyo, and likely after Chibiusa's time
as queen. It's not expressly said when exactly her timeline picks up, but
given this statement, it is reasonable to think this is after Chibiusa is
done ruling as queen of Crystal Tokyo.

In her future, Chaos returned, much of time kinda sorta repeated itself, so
she knew what she was supposed to do, but after having had more than one
lifetime to fight Chaos, she couldn't take it anymore, ran away and got
everyone killed. Realizing this mistake, she came back in time as Chibi
Chibi, to observe Eternal Sailor Moon, make sure she doesn't run away, and
then ultimately see if she can make the choice that will kill Chaos, thus
eliminating Sailor Cosmos's future.

She realizes that Chaos did not die however, but he is not an immediate
threat anymore. Still, he will be back, so it goes without saying that our
Sailor Guardians, and future incarnations will have to keep training and
fighting, never running from a real fight.

Sailor Cosmos muses that Usagi's group should be reborn "eh, maybe
someday" but quickly realizes that someday is well… um… actually.. right
freaking now.

As the others are just about to come back to life, Sailor Cosmos states that
she wanted to make sure she made the right choices, but that now she has no
more regrets. (Even though that part where she abandoned everyone was really
shitty.) As long as The Cauldron exists, everyone will keep coming back, even
after grizzly death. She and Chibi Moon then head up the stairs, and watch as
everyone is resurrected.

Although Usagi, Mamoru and the others don't seem to notice, probably because
they literally JUST came back to life, Chibi Moon and Cosmos stand by
watching, joining in the song as The Starlights, Kakyuu and even Galaxia's
team are resurrected.

No seriously. After the song, Usagi cheerfully tells everyone that they can
all go back home now, and she and Mamoru totes forget that Chibi Moon is
right freaking there. They just totally forgot their future daughter right
there and the literal end of the universe. Great parenting, right?

No, for reals. THEY WALK PAST THEIR OWN KID AND FORGET HER!! How do you just
leave your future daughter behind like that?? HOW?? If I had a kid with pink
hair and red eyes, I think I might remember that!! They leave Chibi Moon
completely behind, at the END OF THE UNIVERSE, heading back to Earth behind
Usagi's friends, only stopping to get engaged. Yeah. They get engaged in
front of their kid, then run off to a distant freaking galaxy. Considering
the fact that Chibiusa has always had this gross, creepy crush on Mamoru even
AFTER finding out that he's her dad, this segment is rubbing salt into her
blood red irises. How do you sleep at night?

So Sailor Cosmos, you know, future future Sailor Moon, sees her past self
totally dissing her kid, and decides not to run away from her
responsibilities anymore, vowing that if she still exists, that she will
become a much better Sailor Cosmos in her future.

She states that Eternal Sailor Moon is the strongest incarnation of Sailor
Moon of all, but seeing that this is messing with Chibi Moon, she reminds her
that Eternal Sailor Moon's blood is in Chibi Moon's veins, giving her the
same power. Picking up from that "I won't run away from my
responsibilities" sentiment, she decides to time travel, taking Chibi
Moon home first.

Chibi Moon asks where she will go after the 30th Century, and
Cosmos states that she will return to the battlefield to fix what she screwed
up with Chaos. Chibi Moon races to her future mother and begs her not to lose

Sailor Cosmos promises not to give up. She shouts a thank you to her past
self as Sailor Moon, and Chibi Moon shouts that she wants Usagi to wait for
her. Feeling confident, Sailor Cosmos takes her daughter back to her own

Meanwhile, Usagi and Mamoru have just tied the knot, and Usagi tells him
after they say "I Do" that she's already pregnant with Chibiusa.

And doesn't he look happy?